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Immortality spans the ages...

Tekken Ham

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Without further ado, I present my current deck idea, as aggro will have to wait until October along with Zombies.



It's Bushi, with Cyber Valley for speed, Quillbolt for versatility on Synchro summons and speed, and Cyber Phoenix for speed. I understand that Bushi and Phoenix don't work together, but I really like Phoenix in here.



3x Cyber Valley

2x Junk Synchron

2x Marauding Captain

2x Cyber Phoenix

2x Bushi

2x Exiled Force

2x Quillbolt

2x Jain



3x RoTA

1x B-Con

1x E-Con

2x LV

2x Foolish

1x Monster Reborn

2x Dup

2x CoSR

2x Book of Moon

1x Heavy

1x MST

1x Nobleman of Extermination



2x Solemn

1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force



Standard Extra stuff.




1x Dragonic Knight

1x Drillroid

1x Crow



2x Deck Lockdown



3x Skill Drain

2x Dust Tornado

2x Cloak and Dagger

2x Compulsory Evac Device

1x BTH



This is a rough draft so help would be really appreciated, just don't make stupid suggestions. And yes, I took alot of the list from Jason's recent Metagame Apotheosis.

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