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Arrancar Cards


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I have made changes on espada 4 and 10 and former espada 106, as well as The Hougyoku. I didn't think Espada Six needed changing, it's just a chthonian (i don't think i spelled that right) Emperor Dragon that needs another tribute to get 100 more ATK. I also added Gillian Menos and Vasto Lorde.

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So' date=' that's how they look in the anime. (Bleach) [b']Most are overpowered.[/b] Good pics.


Can you say which are still overpowered? I'll be making a few more today, so, it would be really helpful if you could tell me which are overpowered at this point.

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So, I figured out i put the wrong links for the updated versions of Ulqiorra, Yami, Luppi, and The Hougyoku, so they're fixed. I also put up an updated version of Vasto Lorde, and Numeroses 11, 13, and 15, along with Espada 5. Right now I'm gonna make a few changes to Las Noches and The Espada, and maybe I'll add some more Spell/Traps.


EDIT: Updated The Espada Card and Las Noches cards up. Also I put up Garganta, the Portal and Grand Fisher. I'm having a hard time finding pics for the Spells and Traps. So if you find good Arrancar pics that would be good for a Spell or Trap, PM them to me. Thanks.

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