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    • The cards look great.
    • There not bad, a little more twicking.
    • The cards are awful.

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OK I didn't know about no attachments and for that I am sorry, I am still new at this, this is my first time posting anything on here, anyway for some of you from before thank you for that bit of info. The post before was locked and I didn't know how to unlock it to edit my mistakes. So this will be a new post and hopefully I did it right this time lol. I did not add backgrounds to them on purpose. I wanted to add a more simple look to my cards. truly to do something a little different. What do you think? I do enjoy criticism, but no need to be rude, I know everyone has different out look on things and that's ok.


Again I hope you enjoy the cards and like I said before if not no big deal it's there for fun lol. So people know I got the pic's from a D&D site www.wizardsofthecoast.com































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OCG is off


Pics could be better...or have better backgrounds.


For the monsters: They're own names don't go in their own effects.


Really? I need to look at a monster card again I thought they did. Oh well I'm mostly a Magic player anyways and in Magic they do. I guess I was thinking Magic effects in the back of my mind lol.


Anyway thank you for the 411 I will try to do better in my next set.

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OCG man!

Pics need PROPER backgrounds and you got to think about the stars and atk and def points.


Yeah I did think about the stars ATK and DEF' date=' thats why I set how rare they are but that doesn't seem to show for some reason. As for backgrounds I did do it on purpose, I wanted to try something different so there not like all the cards, but I understand what your talking about. Thank you for your opinion I will try better my next set.[hr']

Bad Pics


Bad Pic's? Ok I understand you don't like the pic's and that's fine' date=' but you give no real criticism. I know you can be more intelligent with your opinions.[hr']

There are OCG Errors' date=' some pics need a complete background, effect is not bad...



I thank you for an intelligent opinion, I know I made errors and that's ok I learned what I need to do my next set.

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