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Dasher Synchro Deck (needs fixes)

EHERO Andrew

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Ok, I know it needs DDraw and Malicious and I'm trying to get them, so please don't bug me about it, but for now, this all I can do. So, please make any fixes, execpt on Skill Drain



3 Stardust Dragon

3 Colossal Fighter

3 Goyo Guardian (need to get 2)


Monsters (20)

3 DH-Dasher

3 DH-Fear Monger

3 DH-Defender

3 EvH Infernal Prodigy

3 Jutte Fighter

3 Krebons

1 EH Stratos

1 Sangan


Spells (10)

3 Lightning Vortex


1 Monster Reborn

2 Emergency Teleport



Traps (10)

3 Dark Bribe

3 Skill Drain

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

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