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Maha Vailo Deck - Worth or Not

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Not exactly chaoserver, using black pendant on maha vailo is quite useful, example


Summon Maha Vailo - Activate 3 Black Pendants

Maha Vailo's attack increase by 3000 thanks to pendant and here

Her attack is now 4550 and when she's destroyed, opponent takes 1500 damage

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i think it has good potential but bad deilivary. chaos you right it is very dangeruss to put all equip cards on to maha plus the whole black pendant thing is very had to pull of but i think it does have potential. say you bring it back with premature burial, now you have a monster with a bounus 500 atk. or useing your opponents effects against them like beast of gilford or kitesai(or what ever its name is). overall it's a good card to include in a deck but not something to build a entire deck around

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i agree with Sartorius. equips are pretty much out now. the only one currently used at the moment that is actually effective is Snatch Steal, but that'll be gone soon.


you see, if you have no protection and you draw an equip, its game over. its just not worth it. there are many better cards that could be in your deck.

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