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My attempt at a Sychro Deck


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Okay I realize that this deck needs to get cut down a lot. I basically took the 5d's deck, added some cards to work for my psychics, add some more cards that I liked, and took out a few cards I didn't like. It's pretty huge, but I just use it for fun anyways.




Magna Drago

Jutte Fighter

Water Spirit

Frequency Magician

Tune Warrior

Junk Synchron

Quillbolt Hedgehog

UFO Turtle

Charcoal Impachi

Woodborg Impachi

Mystic Tomato

Atlantian Pikeman

Krebons (2)

Psychic Snail

Telekinetic Shocker

Mind Master

Psychic Commander(2)

Doctor Cranium

Mind Protector


Dark Blade

Marauding Captain

Speed Warrior

Shield Warrior

Axe Raider

Elemental Hero Neos Alias

Fire Trooper

Ghost Gardna

Exiled Force

Copy Cat

Maiden of Macabre

Summoned Skull

Spiral Serpent





Mystical Space Typhoon

Synchro Blast Wave

Lightning Vortex

Smashing Ground

Double Summon

Monster Reincarnation

Symbols of Duty

The Warrior Returning Alive

Synchronized Realm

Synchro Boost

Rush Recklessly

Battle Tuned (2)




Seven Tools of Bandit

Psychic Rejuvenation


Ordeal of Traveler

Defense Draw

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

No Entry!!

Spellbinding Circle

Threatening Roar



Limit Reverse

Graceful Revival

Telepathic Power

Sychro Deflector

Remote Revenge

Divine Wrath

Trap Hole

Sakuretsu Armor



Extra Deck:

Junk Warrior

Magical Android

Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

Goyo Guardian

Colossal Fighter

Thought Ruler Archfiend

Stardust Dragon

Red Dragon Archfiend



As I said before, it is a huge deck. But I'm trying to fit what would normally be both a warrior synchro and a psychic synchro deck into one deck. Any ideas on how to make this work?

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