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the Pokepoll MURDER MYSTERY - New information added!


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  1. 1. Who dun' it?

    • Charmander
    • Bulbasaur
    • Squirtle
    • Cyndaquil
    • Chikorita
    • Totodile
    • Torchic
    • Treeko
    • Mudkip
    • Chimchar
    • Turtwig
    • Piplup
    • Buneary

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All of the generation's starter Pokemon went to a funeral for Pikachu - the poor thing had gotten run over by a tractor.


Pikachu's girlfriend, Jigglypuff also attended the funeral. Pikachu's scorned lover, Buneary, begrudgingly attended.


While everyone was conversing in the main lobby, all the Pokemon went off in their own directions, while the funeral managers and lawyers discussed Pikachu's will.


A scream was heard.


Jigglypuff had been murdered!


The lawyers were shocked, especially since Pikachu left his vast fortune to his beloved girlfriend.




Charmander - Was Piakchu's best friend, but lately they had been fighting.

Bulbasaur - Rumored to be Pikachu's secret lover, he was angry at Pikachu's recent proposal to Jigglypuff.

Squirtle - Had been looking around, shifty-eyed the whole night.


Cyndaquil - He yelled out loud that he felt like killing someone.

Chikorita - Was furious at having been uninvited to the funeral by Jigglypuff, but attended anyway.

Totodile - Was giving strange looks to the guests all evening.


Torchic - Was looking innocent.

Treeko - Had a threat from the bank that they were going to repossess his furniture.

Mudkip - Was drinking champagne and throwing his recently obtained wealth around, telling everyone how important he was.


Chimchar - Is a retard.

Turtwig - Was stricken with grief over Pikachu's death.

Piplup - Was cramming hors d'oeuvre down all night.


Buneary - Was very jealous when Pikachu abandoned her for Jigglypuff.




State your reasons why!

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Murder most foul is afoot! Whodunnit though...

I have two guesses:


The retard Chimchar. I think there is nothing as suspicious as a person who needs no motive to do random things...


Piplup: Probably poisoned one of those hors d'euvres, and to make sure Jigglypuff got the right one ate the rest of them...


Meh, but it could be any of them...

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  'Aeon said:


Charmander - Was Piakchu's best friend' date=' but lately they had been fighting. [b'] Alas, the murder of Jigglypuff wouldn't convict with this motive. Sorry, budz, I'm ruling Charmander as innocent. =D.[/b]


Bulbasaur - Rumored to be Pikachu's secret lover, he was angry at Pikachu's recent proposal to Jigglypuff. Waitwaitwaitwait. Bulbasaurs a he? But, but, Jigglypuff's a girl? PIKACHU MIGHT BE GAY. Somehow, I feel like I've always known. As of now, Bulbasaur is a prime suspect if Bulbasaur is gay, and Pikachu used to be gay for Bulbasaur, but left for the female Jigglypuff.


Squirtle - Had been looking around, shifty-eyed the whole night. Might be creeped out by coffin's. It happens. =/. Suspect? No.


Cyndaquil - He yelled out loud that he felt like killing someone. Naww. Cyndaquil angry. How cute would that be. O_O. Suspect? No.


Chikorita - Was furious at having been uninvited to the funeral by Jigglypuff, but attended anyway. Ohh yeahhh. I'm gonna kill anyone who takes away my right to attend a funeral. Actually, seems reasonable, in an extremely eerie way. =/.


Totodile - Was giving strange looks to the guests all evening. AHA! Burly Totodile. As said, the Pokemon all left in their separate directions to mourn, I guess. Thus, Totodile is reasonably suspect as his apparent viewing nature of the guests means he may of been waiting for his opportunity to be 'alone' with Jiggly. Suspect, yes.


Torchic - Was looking innocent. Innocent until proven guilty. The presentation of innocence can be a cover for guilt. But hey, this is a text-based murder mystery, so a plot twist of Torchic may be possible. =O. Suspect? Sadly, yes. If Torchic had genuine hate for Jigglypuff, Torchic could cost aroung feeling pleased and 'innocent.' =/.



Treeko - Had a threat from the bank that they were going to repossess his furniture. "SO LETS KILL THE SINGING POKE-PUFF BALL BECAUSE OF IT!" No, not a motive in the slightest. Suspect? Actually, maybe. As if Treeko, as in the series of Pokemon, was close to Pikachu, the fortune of wealth might go to Treeko with Jigglypuff's death. =/. Thus, granting a second chance for the bankrupt frog-thing.



Mudkip - Was drinking champagne and throwing his recently obtained wealth around, telling everyone how important he was. Legend. Not suspect in the slightest. The boasting of importance might intervene with other Pokemon's remembrance of Pikachu, but no, nothing to do with JigglyPuff.


Chimchar - Is a retard. Naww. Raltz has a buddy. ^.^. Sadly, no, I don't believe Chimchar was able to out-smart and kill Jigglypuff whilst Jigglypuff was alone.



Turtwig - Was stricken with grief over Pikachu's death. I can imagine Turtwig on a farm, being the seed-Pokemon and all. Thus, I wouldn't rule it out of proportion if Turtwig was driving the Tractor that killed Pikachu. Actually, I wouldn't rule it out if Bulbasaur, the actual seed-Pokemon, did either. Thus, if extremely grief-filled over his endeavor, Turtwig might of been seeking blame through Jigglypuff, or simply wanted to kill JigglyPuff through her knowing Turtwig was driving the tractor. Eh. I'm rambling, but this guy's suspect as of now.



Piplup - Was cramming hors d'oeuvre down all night.

Poisoning? Impossible, as Piplup was eating them to.. Through.. Its small little beak.. O_O. What Horse d'oeuvre might make a difference, although, I'm too lazy to google it. =/. Suspect? No.


Buneary - Was very jealous when Pikachu abandoned her for Jigglypuff.

Ah. The classic one to frame. No, I'd believe Buneary's innocent, however, I'd believe the murderer killed JigglyPuff with intent to blame it on Buneary. Suspect? No.




State your reasons why!



Overall. I'd say Bulbasaur killed Pikachu with the tractor out of spite, than set out to kill Pikachu's girlfriend.


^Eh. Just Bulbasaur, then. =/.


Actually, I'm gonna go with Buneary.


As a Rabbit, it possesses abnormal hearing.


It may of heard JigglyPuff singing, got absolutely crucified with peril over it, tracked JigglyPuff down, and then murdered it. =/.

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Charmander - Was Piakchu's best friend, but lately they had been fighting.

Tractors are driven and used on farms. Because of Charmander's tail, it is unplausible to believe that he works at a farm, and it would be accurate to assume that Pikachu was run over in a crop field. Charmander could NOT have murdered Pikachu because his tail would ignite the crops, causing time for Pikachu to escape. Also, having fights with the deceased Pikachu is no reason for murdering the dead Pokemon's fiance. So, it is clear that Charmander did not murder Pikachu, and had no reason to murder Jigglypuff. Suspect, No.

Bulbasaur - Rumored to be Pikachu's secret lover, he was angry at Pikachu's recent proposal to Jigglypuff.

Being Pikachu's lover, and seeing that Pikachu has bisexual tendencies, it is only natural to assume Bulbasaur as murderer due to jealousy of his lover going off to marry Jigglypuff. Seeing Pikachu's proposal to Jigglypuff, Bulbasaur could have had access to a farm. But then there is the slip. Everyone knows that Bulbasaurs are lacking of opposable thumbs, thus, it shows the inability to drive a tractor. Not to mention that Bulbasaur sounds more like a forest Pokemon, and not a country one. Not to mention that almost all Bulbasaurs are pacifists. Suspect? Requires more information.

Squirtle - Had been looking around, shifty-eyed the whole night.

The answer is simple. Depending if the funeral was taking place somewhere in the mainland, then there won't be hardly any salt water. Squirtles are Water Pokemon, that depend on either Fresh or Salt water. Lack of which causes a drop in blood cell quality, causing irritation, paranoia, and usually causes suspicious activity. Suspect? No.

Cyndaquil - He yelled out loud that he felt like killing someone.

The thing is, you don't yell out loud you feel like killing someone unless your wanting attention. Attention grabbers are common at funerals and the fact that no one reacted must have meant that it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. So, Suspect, non.

Chikorita - Was furious at having been uninvited to the funeral by Jigglypuff, but attended anyway.

Oh, really. If she didn't get an invitation then how did he get in the first place? Either sneaked in or had `connections' with some of the priests. If that was so then she had to keep a low profile, and murdering the freaking hostess isn't quite the definition of keeping a low profile.

Totodile - Was giving strange looks to the guests all evening.

The thing is, Totodiles are carnivorous. They don't usually resort to eating other Pokemon unless their starving. That explains why the Totodile was looking strangely at the guests. But, he knew that if he killed and ate another guest in the funeral, he would be locked up. Not a suspect.

Torchic - Was looking innocent.

Torchic had the weapon and resources to get and murder Jigglypuff. But, these innocent things are all just witness accounts, so Torchic might have not been very noticed and liked to socialize with the guests. Thus, the guests were at ease and Torchic just blended in. That would have been the perfect place to strike. Suspect, YES.

Treecko - Had a threat from the bank that they were going to repossess his furniture.

Ah, the good old murder motive. Murderer is next in line or something like that, so murderer bumps off other guy and takes the fortune. But this theory depends if Treecko really IS the next in line. The problem is, Treecko isn't a Pikachu, but it could still be possible he was adopted. Which could also explain that Treecko was in the slums after Pikachu took all his family's wealth, and thus bumped off Jigglypuff to get the fortune. But, we need more evidence to name him a suspect.

Mudkip - Was drinking champagne and throwing his recently obtained wealth around, telling everyone how important he was.

Wait. Mudkip and Cyndaquil were BOTH grabbing the guests attention. While they were attracting it, the murderer could have easily went behind and murdered Jigglypuff. Mudkip and Cyndaguil suspected as accomplices.


I'll post the rest later, I'm too tired from writing.


But, one thing we need to know is: Who benefited from Jigglypuff's death?

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I'm not in the mood for big explanations, so I'll go right to the point.


Jigglypuff was extremely jealous at Pikachu for having an affair with Bulbasaur, which she found out about. So, Jigglypuff arranged to meet with Bulbasaur in a crop field the following day. But, Bulbasaur wasn't home, and Pikachu was at his house, so he got the call. Jigglypuff, mistaking Pikachu for Bulbasaur, ran him down with a tractor. Meanwhile, Turtwig, the warden for the nearby mental institute and friend of Pikachu's, was walking with Chimchar when he found some noises. Bounding along the crop field, Turtwig found Pikachu dead. Wishing for revenge for his friend, Turtwig arranged for Chimchar to unwittingly murder Jigglypuff at the funeral. Also, Turtwig got his friend Cyndaguil to avert attention to Chimchar by distracting the guests, while he also payed a great deal of money to Mudkip to distract them as well. But, Chimchar ran into Buneary who was going to go yell at Jigglypuff. They had a scuffle and Chimchar accidentally shot Buneary. Hearing the shots Jigglypuff ran out of the room, saw the scene, and had a heart attack. Turtwig and Cyndaquil rushed to the scene before the guests or police arrived anddumped Buneary's body in the closet. Turtwig then stabbed Jigglypuff's corpses with a knife and ran off before the guests arrived.

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Time for more evidence!




During the coarse of the discussion and clamor revolving around the murder, a detective appeared - Detective Mew.


Mew decided that the best way to solve this murder would be to keep everyone locked into the funeral home, and to let people go about their business.


However, he only made public that he was locking them in, and didn't tell them to talk amongst themselves, as that would immediately make them not do so. Reverse Psychology.


So, secretly, Mew listened in on various conversations, and discovered the following information:


Charmander - As it turned out, what Charmander and Pikachu had been fighting over before the rat's untimely death was Pikachu's fortune! Charmander had been doing some legal work for Pikachu, unofficially, and had been helping Pikachu accumulate his vast wealth. Naturally, Charmander felt that he deserved some of it when he was helping Pikachu write his will, but Pikachu vehemently refused, dead-set on Jigglypuff receiving everything should Pikachu die.


Bulbasaur - Had been the one talking to Charmander at the time of this discovery. He confided in Charmander that he was actually happy that Jigglypuff had died, as he was consumed with Jealousy over her.


Squirtle - He began a conversation with Piplup, where he started talking about bizarre he thought this ordeal was. Mew noted he seemed very casual about it all.


Cyndaquil - It turned out that Cyndaquil was simply flustered that evening because of his boss, Mistress Registeel, heiress to the Regi Fashion Company, had been chewing him out over his designs for the past week. She then docked him a week's pay because of his choice to attend his friend's funeral. He told this information to Mudkip.


Chikorita - Was found crying, devastated over Jigglypuff's death. It turned out that they had had a recent falling out as best friends, which was why Jigglypuff had called her to uninvite her in the first place.


Totodile - Joined Piplup and Squirtle in conversation, commenting offhandedly that the lawyers were going to have to review the will to determine where Pikachu's assets would go. If Pikachu hadn't named a second inheritor, the money would be distributed among his Pokemon colleagues as per the terms of his contract. When asked about this contract, Totodile reminded Piplup that the terms of the Pokemon contract could lay claim to its clients' assets if they were otherwise non-designated.


Torchic - Decided to start comforting Chikorita, saying soothing words and what-not when they were joined by Cyndaquil, who told Chikorita that Jigglypuff's death had been no big loss. Torchic glared and asked him if he'd ever heard of being tactful.


Treeko - Was nervously fidgeting, glancing at the lawyer's every five minutes. He then spoke with Mudkip about borrowing some money, to which Mudkip replied that if Treeko was lucky, Pikachu may have named him as an inheritor, but only after Charmander, if anything.


Mudkip - He himself continued to lord around the room, very satisfied with himself at being unbothered by this whole incident.


Chimchar - Was eating glass.


Turtwig - Went off to speak with Piplup privately when Piplup was done speaking with Squirtle and Totodile, and Mew was unable to get any of their conversation.


Piplup - Has been discussed already.


Buneary - Had been reclusive the entire time, never talking to anyone.


Just as mew was contemplating all that he had learned, the lights suddenly went out....and a scream was heard.


The lights came back on five minutes later.


Charmander had been murdered!


Mew identified the murder weapon to be a steak-knife, the same weapon that killed Jigglypuff. No fingerprints could be found on it, as was the case with the previous murder.


Mew decided he needed to ask some questions, before another Murder happened.

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Charmander - As it turned out, what Charmander and Pikachu had been fighting over before the rat's untimely death was Pikachu's fortune! Charmander had been doing some legal work for Pikachu, unofficially, and had been helping Pikachu accumulate his vast wealth. Naturally, Charmander felt that he deserved some of it when he was helping Pikachu write his will, but Pikachu vehemently refused, dead-set on Jigglypuff receiving everything should Pikachu die. Hey, he's dead. He knew something.


Bulbasaur - Had been the one talking to Charmander at the time of this discovery. He confided in Charmander that he was actually happy that Jigglypuff had died, as he was consumed with Jealousy over her. A grass type talking to a fire type? Any wise grass type would know not to confront a fire type. Obviously a sign of a mental breakdown on Bulbasaur's part, maybe cracking from the guilt.


Squirtle - He began a conversation with Piplup, where he started talking about bizarre he thought this ordeal was. Mew noted he seemed very casual about it all. Turtles, known for being quite slow, would obviously not get too emotional. Squirtle complaining to Piplup is not grounds for suspecting him.


Cyndaquil - It turned out that Cyndaquil was simply flustered that evening because of his boss, Mistress Registeel, heiress to the Regi Fashion Company, had been chewing him out over his designs for the past week. She then docked him a week's pay because of his choice to attend his friend's funeral. He told this information to Mudkip. If Cyndaquil had sat atop a tractor, the whole thing would have blown sky high. If Jigglypuff had been stabbed with a sewing needle repeatedly, suspecting Cyndaquil would be reasonable.


Chikorita - Was found crying, devastated over Jigglypuff's death. It turned out that they had had a recent falling out as best friends, which was why Jigglypuff had called her to uninvite her in the first place. The devastated Chikorita has no motive to kill Jiggly, unless Jigglypuff had written Chikorita blackmail. Hmmm...


Totodile - Joined Piplup and Squirtle in conversation, commenting offhandedly that the lawyers were going to have to review the will to determine where Pikachu's assets would go. If Pikachu hadn't named a second inheritor, the money would be distributed among his Pokemon colleagues as per the terms of his contract. When asked about this contract, Totodile reminded Piplup that the terms of the Pokemon contract could lay claim to its clients' assets if they were otherwise non-designated. Just a stuck up lawyer type trying to stir up trouble. Not a murderer.


Torchic - Decided to start comforting Chikorita, saying soothing words and what-not when they were joined by Cyndaquil, who told Chikorita that Jigglypuff's death had been no big loss. Torchic glared and asked him if he'd ever heard of being tactful. Two fire types gathered around a disturbed Chikorita. Both might be suspected of killing Jiggly. Obviously all the fire types were trying to burn the whole house down.


Treeko - Was nervously fidgeting, glancing at the lawyer's every five minutes. He then spoke with Mudkip about borrowing some money, to which Mudkip replied that if Treeko was lucky, Pikachu may have named him as an inheritor, but only after Charmander, if anything. Who doesn't fidget around lawyers? Then again, Treeko may have known something from one of the lawyers. A suspect for killing both Jiggly and Pika.


Mudkip - He himself continued to lord around the room, very satisfied with himself at being unbothered by this whole incident. Obviously a very rich, oblivious and rotund Mudkip, he was probably more interested in the catering.


Chimchar - Was eating glass. Whoever invited this nut was low on brains. Not very bright and extremely drunk, I don't think Chimchar could have held a gun, let alone how to spell the word.


Turtwig - Went off to speak with Piplup privately when Piplup was done speaking with Squirtle and Totodile, and Mew was unable to get any of their conversation. Probably went to tell Piplup that his fly was down and didn't want to say it in public. Also: Grass>Water. Suspicious....


Piplup - Has been discussed already. Being a part of every conversation, he/she would know a considerable amount of the "goings on". Maybe a center for some harmful information.


Buneary - Had been reclusive the entire time, never talking to anyone. With a brain the size of a pea and a character to match, he may have killed Jiggly and Pika but probably not.


My view: All the fire types (except Chimchar) were a part of a gang and joined in killing Jiggly. None of the fire types killed Pikachu. That was probably accomplished by Bulbasaur (seen talking with Charmander). After Bulbasaur killed Pikachu, the fire types decided to kill Jigglypuff. Charmander soon threatened to give his information to the police and the other fire types (except Chimchar) plotted to kill Charmander before he squealed, thus resulting in his demise. That, is my theory.

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  • 1 year later...

Necro Bump.


It was Chimchar, whp feigned retardation for the sake of setting up his master plan.


He arranged for Pikachu's death by paying a farm hand to drive his tractor through a city while Pikachu was crossing the street. This, of course, would open Pikachu's will to debate, so Jigglypuff and Charmander had to be taken care of.


His good freind Shinx handled the electrical problems that allowed him to make his swift, dextrous moves, offing the necessary victims.


He would then rely on the itigation skills of Regirock, his lawyer, to ensure all questionable designatable funds from Pikachu's will were directed at Chimchar, loopholing the Pokemon contract.



He was busted by Buneary, who's super accute hearing managed to overhear him on the cell phone, talking in a Brittish accent to Regirock.


I'd go into further detail, but this thread is far too old for anyone to care.

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