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Psychotic Gambler

Chaos Pudding

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Why is it in the wrong section? I thought it seemed quite realistic, except for the picture. I couldn't find many good pictures of gamblers...

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I wish people would tell me what is wrong with the card so I can fix it to make it more realistic. I can't see anything wrong with it.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

1) Your pretty much allowing a direct attack from your opponent with this. Make it able to attack and defend itself by giving some attack and defense points.


2) You might want to change the effect with the attack and defense points you have.


I was always under the impression that drawing was the most powerful aspect of this game. I created this card as a way to have a balanced draw engine. Is it too underpowered? And why do people say that this card is in the wrong forum? A clear answer would be nice.

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1) Your pretty much allowing a direct attack from your opponent with this. Make it able to attack and defend itself by giving some attack and defense points.


2) You might want to change the effect with the attack and defense points you have.


I was always under the impression that drawing was the most powerful aspect of this game. I created this card as a way to have a balanced draw engine. Is it too underpowered? And why do people say that this card is in the wrong forum? A clear answer would be nice.

When ppl say this card is in the wrong section, they mean it should be in the "Any Other Card" topic as they don't consider it Realistic. I myself do find the card underpowered and I recommend changing it to:

"During your Standby Phase, if this card is in face-up Attack Position, you can draw 1 card from your deck. If you do, you cannot change the Battle Position of this card during this turn except by a card effect."

This way, you can Special Summon it with Mystic Tomato during your opponent's turn, draw an extra card, and tribute it for a Monarch or Jinzo.


I hope this helps!

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