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Final Fantasy VII cards


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One thing I have to ask before you read the cards. Please don’t post just OcG errors. I am wondering what they are. Also if you can tell me what to take its place of it I would appreciate it.



























[spoiler= Angeal-Avatar]

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set This card can only be Special Summon by Tributing "Angeal-The Winged Warrior, and 2 or more Beast-Type Token monsters. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.






[spoiler= Angeal-The Winged Warrior]

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only Special Summoned by Tributing "Angeal" on the 6th of your turns after "Angeal" was summoned. Once per turn, select one monster on your side of the filed except for this card. the selected card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly this turn.If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn.






[spoiler= Genesis-The Black Wing]

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only Special Summoned by Tributing "Genesis" on the 6th of your turns after "Genesis" was summoned, Once per turn, select one monster on your opponent side of the filed Return the selected card to the owners hand. at the end of your turn the owner of the selected card can Special Summon 1 monster from his\her hand.






[spoiler= Sephiroth-The One Winged Angel]

This card can not be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or, Special Summon except by the effect of Jenova cells, or by Tributing "Sephiroth" on the 6th of your turns after "Sephiroth" was summoned. Once per turn, select one monster on your opponents side of the filed. This card gains ATK equal to 200 * the selected monster level. Only 1 monster can be selected by this cards effect at one time.






I will upload more later.


[spoiler= cards i cant correct ocg, or not sure about.]

Summon block

Death of a Comrade

Sephroth-The One Winged Angel

Power of The One Winged Angel




I do not own any of the pictures.


And thank you all for helping me out on the OCG

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Oh, that's fine. Here's the first one then:


Loyal Beast: Return all Beast and Warrior-Type monsters on the field to their respective owner's hand. For each monster returned due to this card's effect, you gain 300 Life Points.


I felt nice, so I did the second one:


Red XII: This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of Trap Cards.

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umm no? These cards are barely a 4/10, and thats why I do not rate anymore... Too direct :?


Anyway, most of these cards are not worth the cost at all. Underpowered, all of them.

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I don't really care about the OCG errors' date='


But you forgot to give "Angeal-The Winged Warrior" the effect to let him summon "Angeal-Avatar".


am i the only one that noticed that?



Angeal-Avatar take care of that.



I edited Angeal-Avatar because it had OCG and it was a little overpowered.


New effect:This card can not be Normal Summoned, or Flip Summoned. this card can only be Special Summon by tributing "Angeal-The Winged Warrior, and 2 or more Beast-Type Token monsters. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.


If that is not right i will change it.


any one who commented on blurry pics


Those ones were found off Youtube videos.

dose anyone know were i can find the movie that is not on Youtube.

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They are not cards i made for contest(s).

[spoiler=what i added]

I edited Angeal Copy.


I am starting to check with actual cards and a lot of them have OcG Errors.


I edited Gift of the Godess OCG and name(Gift of the Goddess) .


Jump For Glory, Through the Fire, and The Ultimate attack OCG edit.


Edited The Traitor and Yazoo-Sephiroth Remnant effect.


Edited Power of The One Winged Angel name and effect.

Not to sure about the effect.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I like them. 7/10

Some things that hasn't been mentioned.

1) Why is Cloud a Beast-Warrior?

2) Cloud's bike should be an equip spell card. Not an equip monster.

3) You should make a card for Zack. If you need his sirname it's Fair.

4) It's 'Red XIII', just add an extra 'I' at the end of Red's name.

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I like them. 7/10

Some things that hasn't been mentioned.

1) Why is Cloud a Beast-Warrior?

2) Cloud's bike should be an equip spell card. Not an equip monster.

3) You should make a card for Zack. If you need his sirname it's Fair.

4) It's 'Red XIII'' date=' just add an extra 'I' at the end of Red's name.



1. i will fix that .

2. i will change it,i don't remember why i made it in to a monster.

3.That actually that card is next.

4.Red XIII I thought i put in 3 I that is weird


Thanks for telling me.

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