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starwars set *please rate*


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Hello, I guess youre new right?

Things that should be changed: Your effects are only ATK increasing, nothing special^^ and you made many OCG mistakes. Next time please no fake-types like "Sith" or "Yuuzahn Voth" ok? :)

And the pictures are bad, cause low pixels and some with no backround and false size, the right size on these cards is 1:1 that means like 400x400 or 1200x1200 pixels, so if you take an widescreen image like 1200x600 the image will be bad if you upload it on the site, cause it will look like a stick :mrgreen:


I hope I could help you a bit...cya ^^

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Hello' date=' I guess youre new right?

Things that should be changed: Your effects are only ATK increasing, nothing special^^ and you made many OCG mistakes. Next time please no fake-types like "Sith" or "Yuuzahn Voth" ok? :)

And the pictures are bad, cause low pixels and some with no backround and false size, the right size on these cards is 1:1 that means like 400x400 or 1200x1200 pixels, so if you take an widescreen image like 1200x600 the image will be bad if you upload it on the site, cause it will look like a stick :mrgreen:


I hope I could help you a bit...cya ^^


i don't see much wrong with fake types in Pop Culture only

but. some bad pix. one of your fusions doesn't have the things listed that are to be fused. as a side note, I'm kind of amazed that you actually used those characters from the extended universe novels.

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I'm new, true, but I would definitely suggest adding other effects besides merely raising attack. It looks like the images you used for the cards were fine, but if you can crop them to make them fit the 1:1 format a little better for your cards, then they should turn out better as well.


Also, try to fix the OCG in the cards themselves to make your cards' rule text comprehensible and balanced (in a word, playable).

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lol.even though i've seen all the star wars films most of those charactors i've never heard of so i would say 5/10


They're Expanded Universe characters, from novels and comics. I think rating the set low merely because you haven't heard of the characters isn't really necessary, and instead rating sets lower due to image quality and OCG errors and being overpowered is instead a wiser decision.

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