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Castle Gate


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Castle Gate x3

Treeborn Frog

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch x2 <=== LV5

Giant Orc x2

Goblin Elite Attack Force

Crystal Seer x2


Giant Rat x2

Chainsaw Insect x2

Gene - Warped Warwolf x2

Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive x3


Heart of Clear Water x3


Pot of Avarice

Brain Control

Lightning Vortex x2

Hammer Shot

Magical Mallet x2

Nightmare's Steel Cage x2

Swords of Revealing Light


Negate Attack

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Magic Cylinder

Magic Drain x2


I actually think its pretty good.[/u]

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Castle Gate x3

Giant Rat x2

Labyrinth Wall x2

Monk Fighter x2

Giant Soldier of Stone x3

Dummy Golem

Valkyrion the Magnet Warrior

Alpha The Magnet Warrior

Beta the Magnet Warrior

Gamma the Magnet Warrior


Chu-Ske the Mouse Fighter

Buster Blader

Morphing Jar #2

Black Luster Soldier




Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Black Luster Ritual

Legendary Black Belt

Tribute to the Doomed



Shield & Sword

Heavy Storm

Dian Keto The Cure Master

Ekibyo Drakmord

Swords of Revealing Light

Mystic Box




Call of the Haunted x3

Lone Wolf

Torrential Tribute

Tower of Babel

Dust Tornado

Rock Bombardment

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Sulker its a pretty nice deck, but not much support for the "star" of the deck Castle Gate, except the Giant Rats. Also, some of the cards such as Call of the Haunted and Mystical Space Typhoon are limited, even in Traditional Format. Overall, 5/10...maybe. Also, Shaco can the decks BE in Traditional Format?


EDIT: Also, Sulk. I think you misread the effect of Castle Gate with stuff in there like "Black Luster Soldier" and "Buster Blader" here is the effect:

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. While this card is in face-up Attack Position, you may Tribute 1 of your monsters of Level 5 or below, to inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the original ATK of that monster. This effect can only be used once per turn.

But in case you just put them in there for "fun" this goes for everyone because I can see alot of people misreading it.

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Castle Gate x3

cyber dragon x2

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch x2

raiza the storm monarch x2


Giant Rat x3

Gene - Warped Warwolf x2

Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive x3

spirit reaper

gear moving of fortress x2(or it can be a d-hero defend you chose)



pot of Avarice

Brain Control

Lightning Vortex x2

Magical Mallet x2

Nightmare's Steel Cage x2

Swords of Revealing Light

chorus sanctuary

messeger of peace x3

level limit area B

creature swap x2



Waboku x2

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Magic Cylinder

mirror force

threatering roar x2

gravity bind



well simple as eating a sweet cake XDD lv5 monsters for tribute, gravity and messeger for you don´t get atacked when castle is in atack position, good mnonsters like monarchs and cyber for tributes, giant rat to put castle gate on the field, and some cards to hold game until any card for castle comes XD

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Now is as good a time as any to decide


So the winner is RAMEN!!! Have fun with your 75 points and a rep... *What? it's only supposed to be 50? Screw that, I make the rules around here!*


Also, to the 2 other entrants, you get 15 points each.

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