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Life and Death

lown master

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Some or most of the cards are made up by me.



Mac, oppened his eyes to see a room full of black and empty space. " what... whare am I?" he said as he looked around for a thing that was living but him. " Mac...you are the one" those short words rang in his ear,truning looking to see who it was.

Just like that a man in a grimreper like costum came to him." you and i will duel now." The man poped out a dule dusk ".... who- whare am I ?" Mac asked.

" hahahah you Mac are gowing to die now...hahahah" Mac found a dule dusk in his left arm,and deck ready to go." Okay lets go get your game on" Mac siad pumped and ready to dule." I like your spirt and soon it will belong to me". Mac stared the dule sending out " lownninja". " and I play one card face down your go" siad Mac. " I call out my card Evil hero king" a monsater that looked like a zombie came out it hade a Att of 1900,and Mac`s monstare only hade 1700. " hahah King kill his ninja now!!.... what" to the man suprise Mac was ready, his face down " lown hero" call was a trap card that lets you bring out a level seven or lower monster whit the name Lown.


" how do you like this I bring out lownwolf " siad Mac a black and blue wolf came forth long claws and sharp teath. The man just looked at hi monster be cut down, as his lifepoints lowaerd." not bad kid but its my go now..." the man dpicked a card from his hand this card was one that satarts are stroy, " I use dark calling" the man siad as a dark and scary looking monster came forth. " Now i call out Dark master, and use a card named ' death to all '". all of Mac`s cards dissaperd from his hand and side of the filed. And whit his attack he beat Mac.


Mac oppened his eyes one more time to see only his room, posters of the dule king " L" L, was the best in the world outher thing like MP3 players layed on the floor of this junk yard. Mac`s mom walked in lokking at his privet junk yard, she closed her eyes and siad " Mac why have you not cleand this room, its the worst thing ever and" Mac`s mom whent on and on but to Mac it was oldnews. " you just like youer dad". when Mac herd that it was as if she had just said " your the best son in the world" Mac`s dad ,was at one time the best no,is the best dulest his name is Jaden yuki, and his mom is Alexis yuki. two of dulings number one. " okay mom am geting redy" siad Mac.

After a horue later, Mac was dresed and ready for his first day at the Dule Gild, his time to shine had come some day he whod be like his dad a Dule King.

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