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Desu the Blue Nerd

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Hello this is an RP where me and my friend volf created. Hope you enjoy. A Silent Production RP.


A new enemy is arrising. The worst one yet. With the power of the Black Demon's Dragon he will rule the world. But there is only one card that can stop him. This card is the Silent Knight. It's up to you and an average kid named Hyoma Zeros to stop him. This isn't any average ki though. He is the weilder of the Silent Knight-Evoy of the Clouds. You will either become a minion of the person trying to destroy us or will you try and protect us all. So get on your duel runner and get going.



1. No godmodding.

2. There are two leaders. Me and Volf.

3. Only us two can do time skips or control NPCs unless we give you permission.

4. Be active.

5. Don't advertise other stuff.

6. Don't spam.

7. Please if I have told you, you suck don't even bother posting.


Name: Hyoma Zeros

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Guy1.jpg

Deck: Synchro Awakening

Soul card: 67033xl5.jpg

Duel Runner: image3.jpg

Duel Disk: 4pjzjtt.png

Personality: Caring, smart, calm, kind, and strong willed. He can also be lazy but can never pass down a good duel.

Bio: He doesn't have any real friends but he doesn't mind because all he really does is school, homework, and working on his duel runner and duel disk. He doesn't really care for other people. His only friend is his duel spirit the Silent Knight-Envoy of the Clouds. For short Hyoma just calls him Envoy. Hyoma is also a natural born genious. A child prodigy if you will. He is also a master strategizer. He has created his own personal rules of strategy and always follows them from dueling to even the most simplest of games.

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Name: Kaisen (volf)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: 3c139dc0.jpg

Deck: Synchro Dragon death/ Lycanthrope Volf

Soul card: 105027ol8.jpg

Duel Runner: DSC00181.jpg

Duel Disk: 6b8wdhy.png

Personality: Cruel, evil, loves to make people suffer

Bio: after being the king of the underground duels he left dueling for underground and went to duel real people in trounaments on his mighty black d-wheel. he will always be the king of them all

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NAme: Shun Ivy

Age: 18


Appereance: you know his apperance.

DEck: Psyhic Dragons

Soul CArd:63355cw1.jpg

Duel Runner:yusei's

Duel Disk: JAck's

Personality: FRinedly Serious.

Bio: When Shun was growing up he was given 3 cards he would never let go of. jericho the lost dragon,Thought Ruler Dragon, and Mazahara of the lightning. shortly after he was given these cards he became a orphan and grew up a lonely child. Now he has become a marvelous duelist and will do anything to become the best

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Name: Raiku Solace

Age: 18

Gender: M

Apperance: 1-5.jpg

Deck: Synchro Chaos Twilight

Soul Card: 65650nn4.jpg

Duel Runner: DSC00245.jpg

Duel Disk: 4pv29vc.png

Personaltiy: Relaxed and Calm, has many friends.

Bio: Raiku built his current D-wheel when he was 9 years old. He is a master duelist and a pro D rider. He is always looking for a decent duel and respects evreyone he duels. His friends call him Rain.

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Name: Ryan Hysuma

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Deck: End Synchro

Soul card: 57250eh9.jpg

Duel Runner: A Very Powerful Duel Runner, It is Black, looks almost like Jack atlas's Duel Runner, It is a Hybrid

Duel Disk: a Large, Black Duel Disk Complete with Extra Deck and RFG Slots

Personality: Mean, Except to Friends and Family

Bio: At the Age of 15, he got his first Deck, Which he tossed when he felt something bad going on with it, he now has a new deck

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Name: Ryan Hysuma

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Deck: End Synchro

Soul card: 57250eh9.jpg

Duel Runner: A Very Powerful Duel Runner Made by his own Powers' date=' It is Black, looks almost like Jack atlas's Duel Runner, [b']It is Capable of Flying and when it does, It Creates a Mystical Road that other Duel Runners can follow on,[/b] It is a Hybrid

Duel Disk: a Large, Black Duel Disk Complete with Extra Deck and RFG Slots, Spikes can Extend out of it to be used as a weapon in certain cases

Personality: Mean, Except to Friends and Family

Bio: At the Age of 15, he got his first Deck, Which he tossed when he felt something bad going on with it, but he got some Powers Due now to his Soul Card: Buster Dragon - Envoy of Armegeddon, at the Age of 18, He "Created" a Son, Ryko(Age: 16), and a Daughter, Kyko(Age: 16) out of his own Darkness and Memories, Ryan's Son and Daughter are Captured by Volf and his Cronies, He has 2 Tough Choices: Fight With Volf and Bargain with him to get Ryko and Kyko Back, or Fight With Hyoma and free them


Yeah not accepted.

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Name: Ryan Hysuma

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Deck: End Synchro

Soul card: 57250eh9.jpg

Duel Runner: A Very Powerful Duel Runner Made by his own Powers' date='[/b'] It is Black, looks almost like Jack atlas's Duel Runner, It is a Hybrid

Duel Disk: a Large, Black Duel Disk Complete with Extra Deck and RFG Slots

Personality: Mean, Except to Friends and Family

Bio: At the Age of 15, he got his first Deck, Which he tossed when he felt something bad going on with it, he now has a new deck, at the Age of 18, He Befriended 2 Friends, a Man Named Ryko, and a woman named Kyko, Ryan's Friends are Captured by Volf and his Cronies, He has 2 Tough Choices: Fight With Volf and Bargain with him to get Ryko and Kyko Back, or Fight With Hyoma and free them


Nice edit. It is also kind of short.

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Name: Ryan Hysuma

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Deck: End Synchro

Soul card: 57250eh9.jpg

Duel Runner: A Very Powerful Duel Runner Made by his own Powers' date='[/b'] It is Black, looks almost like Jack atlas's Duel Runner, It is a Hybrid

Duel Disk: a Large, Black Duel Disk Complete with Extra Deck and RFG Slots

Personality: Mean, Except to Friends and Family

Bio: At the Age of 15, he got his first Deck, Which he tossed when he felt something bad going on with it, he now has a new deck, at the Age of 18, He Befriended 2 Friends, a Man Named Ryko, and a woman named Kyko, Ryan's Friends are Captured by Volf and his Cronies, He has 2 Tough Choices: Fight With Volf and Bargain with him to get Ryko and Kyko Back, or Fight With Hyoma and free them


Nice edit. It is also kind of short.


I was kidding. It still sucks.

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