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Era Of Zombies (Rated R due to violence)


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It was a cold and lonely night. Xerudor was chanting slowly. His mind only filled with spite and revenge. His chanting became swift and his tounge flickered in the glowing flame. Suddenly a purple light appeared behind him, filling his forest cottage with its ominous glow. Xerudor turned in confusion. 'Maybe this is part of the spell' he thought. He stared at it and pondered on. He searched all the crevices of his mind for the answer. Then it came to him. Another realm. Xerudor's heart raced even faster. He saw a hand reach out of the portal.

The hand became a body. A mangled corpse. Guts falling out of the side. It moaned and stumbled over a stone mug. Xerdudor leapt back but lost his footing. More creatures stumbled through the portal. Soon all that could be seen through the window was the faces of the damned.


This roleplay is set in 556 AD. A new threat has awakened and it must be stopped. Thats where you come in. In yourhumble town of goldshire, the threat is approaching.

Rules: You must have a weak starter weapon.

You must be a decent roleplayer.

Your job cant be a knight, you must have a civillian job.

You can have 3 characters

You have been warned for violecne so dont complain.


Character format:



Starter weapon(Must be something that relates to your job/intro) :

Main weapon(Recieved after you fist 5 decent posts) :

Bio(100 characters long at least) :


Appearance (Must be a picture) :




[spoiler=My characters]

Name: Ropp Bazard

Age: 15

Starter weapon: Pitchfork

Main weapon: Many Throwing knives and 2 daggers

Bio(100 characters long at least) : Ropps father left as he was born. His father is now serving in a war between Arcadia and Macellia as a Templar. Ropp is currently training to join him. Ropps mother completely disapproves against this and wishes Ropp would stay. This is of course not going to happen as Ropp is a born fighter. Ropp trains everyday in a barn next to the guard post.He uses his fists to train on straw dummies. He has a scar on his back from birth, he is lead to believe by his mother that its a sign not to fight.

Personality: He is a strong and determined boy eho will fight till his dying breath. Although he may be too scared to kill at first after a while he will fight. He loves his mother but she dosent like his dreams. He hasnt met his father but has spoke to him by scroll.

Appearance (Must be a picture) :ojjr74.png

Job: Trainee

Intro: "Ropp! Get up! Your late!" Ropps mother called from the downstairs of the two floor cottage. Ropp woke with a heavy groan. As he stumbled out of bed he trood on one of his training gloves. The gloves squashed under his weight. Ropp got dressed and headed out for training. He walked past the bakery, smelling the fresh bread. As he reached the barn he remembered he forgot his pet moogle, Flann. He just turned as he heard a girl scream. He grabbed his pitchfork and ran to the top of the hill, where he found the montrosity.


Name: Flann

Age: N/A

Starter weapon: A rock

Main weapon : A samurai sword

Bio: Flann was born in Elvann, the Moogle Forest, until he was stolen by a humble old man. At the young stage of his life he was given to Ropp (Who was 2 at the time). Ever since he has guarded Ropp with his life. Not that means much in Goldshire. He loves rock cakes and fish biscuits. He always urges Ropp on despite his duties.

Personality: A caring and strong moogle, he will risk himself for anyone and isnt afraid to kill.

Appearance (Must be a picture) : 9auu8h.jpg

Job: Pet/Guard

Intro: As Flann awoke he realised that Ropp wasnt there. Flann instantly suspected a morning jog but as he stepped outside he realised it was midday. Ropp was careless but never left Flann behind. Flann walked around suspicously with a rock in hand. He eventually stopped at the bakery and bought a rock cake, which he ate in one bite. He followed the path to the guard post. Ropp wasnt there. Neither was his pitchfork. Flann's heart pounded as he ran up the hill. There he saw the horrific sight.



Welcome to the new era. The era of zombies!

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Starter weapon:Iron long sword

Main weapon:Shadowblade


Bio:Cranlars parents were killed by a namless warrior. He wants to get revenge on the warrior. He had no siblings and dislikes cats. He also dislikes the sun but he isn't a vampire. He likes the winter and to prowl around at night looking to get into trouble by hanging around outside the inn. He was born and raised in Goldshire his parents were also killed during the town fair which happens every year in the summer.


Personality:Aggrivated easly, not very social

Appearance :




Job:Trainee assassin


Intro:Cranlar was doing his usual training on the edge of the forest. HE decided to walk back to town to et a cake. On his way back he heard the priest preaching about a gateway to another world. Cranlar rushed to see what was going on. What he saw next was worse than the scene of his parents death.

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OOC: Ok lets begin

BAC: Flann reached the top o fthe hill with a rock in his hand. There he saw Ropp holding a young girl in his arms as a bloodied thing feasted on her fathers corpse. It was Flanrar that was there dead, the local shepered was teaching his daughter to be a shepered. He was now dead and his nine year old daughter distraught. Flann jumped onto the thing and smashed its head with a rock. He saw Cranlar running up the hill two. The thing flung back and sent Flann tumbling off. Ropp jumped in and pinned it with a pitchfork. Ropp held it there until Cranlar arrived.

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Cranlar reached the top of the hill. he saw that Ropp couldn't hold the monstrosity for long so he rushed to his aid. Cranlar jumped and stabbed the creature in the head it stopped moveing. He pulled out his sword and then said to Ropp "Do you have any idea what this thing is." Ropp looked puzzled he then said " no, we have to go to the town there could be more of these things, we need to make sure it is safe there." they then began to run to the town.

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Cranlar was trying to pull the sheperd and Ropp apart he couldn't "cut his arms off cranlar!" said ropp. cranlar took a swipe he hit the shepards arm but cranlars sword only went through half way he took another slice and it was off. he pushed the shepard so he could get a clear stab at his heart cranlar lunged but nothing happend.he then took his blood stained sword out and began to cut the other arm off. when the undead shepard was armless Ropp turned around and kicked the undead shepard over. as it struggled to get back up they both laughed but then remembed what they had to do they continued there journey.

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Ropp noticed that Flann was gone. He ran around violently looking for Flann. He arrived at his own home and ran upstairs. Flann was there fighitn off Ropps undead mother. Ropp screamed in sad pain, but Flann had to kill her. He thre a knife from Ropps room at her and it struck her stomach. The beast carried on now after Ropp. Ropp kicked her back. Flann then pulled the knife out and stabbed it in her face. Ropp cried ove rhis mothers death. Flann just grabbed his sword and headed back out.

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Starter weapon(Must be something that relates to your job/intro) : Dagger

Main weapon(Recieved after you fist 5 decent posts) : Shadow Claymore

Bio(100 characters long at least) :Neos is a hit man who kills anybody for a price. He has killed many innocent people for no reason except for a person named Jim’s Rituals with black magic. His best Customer Jim has been experimenting with black magic more than often lately and has made very deformed beasts out of the dead people Neos has gathered. One night something went horribly wrong and Jim made a creation with a strange virus inside of it out of dead body parts. Jim got bit on the head and other places by the deformed creature and was getting quick sick. Jim ran Straight to Neos


Appearance (Must be a picture) :OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic.jpg


Intro:As Neos sat in his room he heard banging on the window... *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*

Neos stood up at this and walked over as he looked out he saw a person covered in blood and bite marks

Person: Help Neos!!

Neos: Jim!?

Jim: yes please HELP!!!!

*Neos opens the window*

Jim: there is something out there.... THE UNDEAD!

Neos was startled

Neos:Jim what are you talking about!?


Jim:ughhhh.... *Jim attacks neos*

Neos: Ahhh *Neos Dodge*

Neos: Dammit Jim why?

*Neos Kills jim with his Dagger*

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im a trainee im not a full fledged assassin im a noob still


any way back on track


Cranlar rushed to the orphanage were he lived. he pushed the doors open, he saw small children eating there best friends. He then saw anne one of the owners of the orphanage

eating her husband Charles. When Cranlar saw this he was vomiting at the bodys of dead children and sobbing as he knew that all the people he loved in the world had died in a blood bath he now had no one. He ran to the basement and started to look in the boxes for his fathers sword.

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OOC: That is true Neo

BAC: Flann ran to the bakery and saw the baker fighting them off with a cooking paddle. Flann jumped up on one of their heads and smashed it open with the hilt of his sword. Then he jumped to the next and sliced its had right off. The last one was already beaten to a pulp by the baker. Tom, the baker ran out of the shop to the top of hill with the other survivors.

Meanwhile Ropp ran to the orphange and found cranlar there vomiting and searching. Ropp didnt bother talking and started killing the undead babies. Then Charles jumped on him. Ropp kicked him in the crotch but it did nothing. The thing was about to bite him as Flann cut him in half. It rolled off of Ropp and Flann destroyed its face with stabs. Flann then turned to canlar.

"Are you alright?" Flann asked.

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Name: Zeo Shinoda

Age: 19

Starter weapon(Must be something that relates to your job/intro) : Kitchen knife

Main weapon(Recieved after you fist 5 decent posts) : Jian of Light

[spoiler=Sword Pic]HW2269Close-adam-hsu-jian.jpg


Bio(100 characters long at least) : Zeo is a barkeeper at the local tavern. His father and mother are some fieldworkers. He knows all types of beer and beverages, and can recognize them with only 1 look. Due to his nature, he dislikes everything related to the dead, even the graveyard. Zeo knows the whole village, every single man. Though, he was raised in Goldshire.

Personality: Outgoing, noble, zealous, fair.




Job: Barkeeper


A good atmosphere in the inn it was. Zeo served the beverages all along, when a tall hooded man came in. The man took a seat in the nearby corner, and gazed at zeo constantly. Zeo noticed that and went to that man's table.


Zeo: Can I... Help you?

Man: You can. Inform this people about one thing.

Zeo: What?

Man: The gateway to another world is open. The Zombies are here. Take what you can and run.

Zeo: Why don't you do it yourself?

Man: Who would believe a Zombie?


Zeo screamed, took out his kitchen knife and stabbed the Zombie. People got up.


Zeo: The Zombies are here!

All: Really? We didn't know!


The people got off their masks. They were all Zombies.


Zeo woke up. He didn't believe what the dreamed of.


*Later that day, the inn is full.*


Zeo served the beverages around. Everything was good. Then a tall hooded man entered the inn... and stared at Zeo!


Zeo grabbed his kitchen knife, ran out of the inn, sat on a horse and rided out. He saw 3 guys head up the road.


Zeo(thinks): Maybe they are still alive...


Zeo followed the guys

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OOC: Accepted

BAC: Ropp stormed back onto the street and saw Zeo on his horse.

Ropp: Zeo! Wait for me!

Flann jumped forth and spread his little wings. He flew to the 3 men and realised instantly they were zombies. He sliced ones head clean in two. Ropp threw his pitchfork and took anothers head clean off. Ropp ran to his former household. Flann flew back to Zeo and warned him of the danger.

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