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Stall/Burn, w/e.


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Deck: 41


Monsters: 11


3| Des Koala

3| Des Wombat

3| Stealth Bird

1| Marshmallon

1| Spirit Reaper


Spells: 18


3| Dark World Dealings

3| Dark Snake Syndrome

3| Wave-Motion Cannon

3| Allure of Darkness

2| The Shallow Grave

2| Poision of the Old Man

1| Monster Reborn

1| Level Limit - Area B


Traps: 12


3| Solemn Judgment

3| Secret Barrel

3| Just Desserts

1| Ojama Trio

1| Ceasefire

1| Gravity Bind


Side Deck: 15


3| Threatening Roar

3| SIM

3| Dust Tornado

3| Prohibition

3| D.D. Crow


Fixes/suggestions only please.

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