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Dino Deck


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This deck is used to get out strong monsters in a certain amount of time, clear your opponents field of both Monster and S/T cards, and deal big damage on your opponent. I have never lost a duel using this deck.


21X Monsters :

1X Dark Driceratops

1X Super Conductor Tyranno

1X Black Tyranno

1X Mad Sword Beast

1X Kabazauls

1X Black Veloci

1X Babycerasaurus

1X Ultimate Tyranno

1X Oxygeddon

1X Uraby

1X Black Stego

1X Black Ptera

2X Gilasaurus

2X Hyper Hammerhead

2X Hydrogeddon

2X Sabersaurus

2X Tyranno Infinity


13X Spell Cards :

1X Card Destruction (Used to get cards to the graveyard for Survival Instinct for Tyranno Infinity)

1X Tail Swipe

1X MST (Mystical Space Typhoon)

1X Magical Mallet (Used if you have useless cards in your hand)

1X Jurassic world

1X Megamorph (Used for Big damage)

1X Sebek's Blessing

1X Big Evolution Pill (Get out cards like SCT and UT)

1X Axe of Despair (Used for Big damage)

1X Heavy Storm (Used to send all of Opponents S/T cards to the graveyard)

1X Lighting Vortex (Cearing your opponents field)

1X Black Pendant (Used for Big Damage and Inflicting 500 points of damage to your opponent)

2X Riryoku


11X Trap

X1 Negate Attack

X1 Volcanic Eruption (Clear your Opponents field)

X1 Malfunction (Used to stop Opponents S/T cards)

X1 Magic Cylinder (Deal MASSIVE Damage on your opponent if used when the time is right)

X1 Magic Jammer

X1 Magical Arm Shield

X1 Goblin Out of the Frying Pan (Used to stop Opponents S/T cards)

X2 Survival Instinct (Used for Tyranno Infinity)

X2 Fossil Excavation (Gets cards back on the field like SCT or TI)

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