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Unofficial 5D's Dub Discussion and Complaint Thread

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that cookies line wasn't the only good line of the episode i found this line quite funny too:

"it would of been you taking the fall if i didnt lose to you in rock paper sissors ………. stupid sissors"


...and i facepalm'd when Lucciano said after Jack's first turn "so you start off with a synchro" i was like seriously 4kids

It's at times like this when I want a gif of Wisel's head blowing up.

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I do! On the other hand . . . .


Primo: "Way to take one for the team. You did well."

Lester:"Whatever. It would've been you taking the fall if i hadn't lost to you in rock paper scissors... ... ...stupid scissors"


lol at Jose with coffee. I wish I was an old timer that could run faster than my remote-controlled D-Wheel.

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How would you beat Jakob if you were duelling him?

I would summon Junk Synchron, revive Ryko. Then, use 141 to SS King of the Skull Servants (I have 3 SS, 3 Wightmare and 3 Lady in Wight in my grave), play Inferno Reckless Summon, then synch Junk Warrior.


Then, Defender's intersect to negate Grannel Guard.



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but that's only during the controller's turn


If Yugi was able to turn his monster into attack position and attack the MOON ITSELF, then I'm sure the Machine Emperors can do the same, the rules wouldn't dare defy them lest they unleash an army that destroys the world.

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