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Macro Sync


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Everything is here now.


Party time.




You think you got it all worked out,

But you dont know nothin', nothin', NOTHIN'.

You think that you COULD rub me out,

But I'm made of somethin', somethin', SOMETHIN'.


I COULD teach you a thing or two.

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

I COULD teach you a thing or two.

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

I COULD teach you a thing or two.

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

I COULD teach you a thing or two.


RAW dirty pop track,

Push it in and pull it back.

Am I glamour pussing it,

See if you can top that.

Come into the new way,

Body rock a new way.

More then just a new craze,

I'll show you who's rock'n'roll.


I COULD teach you a thing or two.

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

I COULD teach you a thing or two.

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

I COULD teach you a thing or two.

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

I COULD teach you a thing or two.


Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~

Yeah, oh yeah, oh~


MACRO SYNC // Format: 2008.09.01 ADV // Last Update: 2008.10.05

  • [spoiler=Main Deck]

    • MONSTER: 17 Cards
      • 3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
        3 Cyber Valley
        2 D.D. Scout Plane
        3 D.D. Survivor
        3 Krebons
        3 Psychic Commander

SPELL: 17 Cards

  • 3 Allure of Darkness
    1 Brain Control
    2 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
    3 Dimensional Fissure
    3 Emergency Teleport
    3 Instant Fusion
    2 Reinforcement of the Army

TRAP: 6 Cards

  • 1 Crush Card Virus
    2 Macro Cosmos
    3 Solemn Judgment


[spoiler=Extra Deck]

  • MONSTER: 13 Cards
    • 2 Black Rose Dragon
      2 Darkfire Dragon
      2 Flame Ghost
Psychic Lifetrancer ‹3
2 Reaper on the Nightmare
2 Red Dragon Archfiend
2 X-Saber Urbellum


[spoiler=Side Deck]

  • MONSTER: 3 Cards
    • 3 D.D. Crow

SPELL: 6 Cards

  • 3 Prohibition
    3 Twister

TRAP: 6 Cards

  • 3 Dark Bribe
    3 Threatening Roar

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No Side or Extra Deck' date=' since I have no idea what's good to play.


[b']MACRO SYNC[/b] // Format: 2008.09.01 ADV // Last Update: 2008.09.26

[spoiler=Main Deck]

  • MONSTER: 18 Cards
    • 3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
      3 Cyber Valley
      3 D.D. Scout Plane
      3 D.D. Survivor
      3 Krebons
      3 Psychic Commander

SPELL: 16 Cards

  • 3 Allure of Darkness
    2 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
    3 Dimensional Fissure
    3 Emergency Teleport
    3 Instant Fusion
    2 Reinforcement of the Army

TRAP: 6 Cards

  • 2 Macro Cosmos
    1 Return from the Different Dimension
    3 Solemn Judgment



In a bizarre turn of events, I have no advice for the further evolution of this deck, but a warning for the future: Watch out for Imperial Iron Wall. It would crush this deck pretty hard. No effect from Valley, Caius, Plane, Suvivor, Macro, Fissure, D.D.R., Allure, Teleport... It would brutalize. Pack Twisters and Dust Tornadoes in the side deck if you want this to work at all after the Zombie World structure deck's release.

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Main deck is good.


For your extra deck :


+2 brionac' date=' dragon of the ice boundary

+1 ally of justice catastor

+1 dark end dragon

+1 mist wurm


-1 x-saber urbellum

-1 red dragon archfiend

-1 black rose dragon


Finally take out the enemy controllers in your side deck for twisters.



I don't think Brionac would be practical, and I don't think Mist Wurm would be that good for this either.


How about just Catastor and End Dragon? I can take out Lifetrancer for something if it comes to it.

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Main deck is good.


For your extra deck :


+2 brionac' date=' dragon of the ice boundary

+1 ally of justice catastor

+1 dark end dragon

+1 mist wurm


-1 x-saber urbellum

-1 red dragon archfiend

-1 black rose dragon


Finally take out the enemy controllers in your side deck for twisters.



I don't think Brionac would be practical, and I don't think Mist Wurm would be that good for this either.


How about just Catastor and End Dragon? I can take out Lifetrancer for something if it comes to it.


Yeah it's true I've just noticed you're not running return from the different dimension (you should), with that brionac/mist wurm would be more useful.


Take out 1 Instant Fusion for RFTDD since you'll be paying more LP.


You can keep black rose dragon and kick out lifetrancer if it works better. Also you could just play one copy of brionac (to at least give you a lv6 option) and keep something else.

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