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Extra Deck: 15


1x Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

3x Five-Headed Dragon

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Elemental Hero Steam Healer

1x Cyber Saurus

1x Darkfire Dragon

1x Fusionist


Monsters: 23


3x Blue-Eyes White Dragon

2x Tyrant Dragon

1x Prime Material Dragon

2x Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon

3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3x Masked Dragon

2x Magna Drago

2x Dark Resonator

1x Sangan

1x Morphing Jar

1x Card Trooper


Spells: 16


3x Trade-In

3x Solar Recharge

2x Instant Fusion

2x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Brain Control

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: 3


1x Torrential Tribute

2x Solemn Judgment


Not too sure about 42 cards in here. Rates / Fixes appreciated.


The regular version is good in fun play but against better decks (Gladiator Beasts in particular), it isn't fast enough.


EDIT: Damn, forgot Monster Reborn. Negged an Instant Fusion for it.

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Win condition is sorta obvious. FGD anyone? Stardust and PMD protect me from destruction effects like TT, MF. It seems to run OK at the moment. It runs better against Macro with Lyla and Ryko in here which can blast an annoying Macro / D-Fissure which really screws up a lot of things in here. The deck will be better once BRD comes out. Then my win condition will be much more consistent with any luck. The previous version is too slow against better decks (namely Dark Armed Dragon which is too fast and has overwhelming destructive power, and GBs) and gets really stuffed up against Macro.

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It seems to be running nicely. It runs well against Macro since the deck has more removal. Now I wanna build this but it means I have to get another set of Recharges, Lyla's and Rykos which are probably the most expensive parts of the deck. It would be too much work basically siding more than half the deck to LS if needed. JD seems to need its own deck to be most effective. The limiting of Reasoning / Monster Gate really screwed the JD / PoC option up.

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Basically summon FGD and stuff to protect it from destruction and win. Lyla and Ryko are additional removal in case I come up against Macro Decks which basically shut these types of decks down. The Gragoniths are nice Fusion Materials that are discardable with the Recharges and also make nice beatsticks with Trample if it comes to that which is usually not the case. The only thing I dont like about the deck is the fact it is 42 cards and its gonna be more expensive than intended since now I actually wanna build it.


I actually got this idea a while back when I tried posting a TCG-only Red-Eyes deck that is way too sluggish with Allure as the only draw engine. Ryko and Lyla are the most splashable LS and Gragonith is good for this type of deck since it is a Dragon and not really a dead draw since I can Tribute Summon it easily.

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I guess I could do that. Wouldnt taking him out screw up Solar Recharge. Then again Im running Trade-In at 3 with only 5 targets. I suppose the mill in here makes 42 cards somewhat acceptable. I run LS at 41 and it runs faster than a deck with 40 cards but then again this isnt LS. Ill have to think about negging Gragonith from this. It isnt entirely useless in here.

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