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My first card set - Critism welcome.


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Well, new to this place and the forum so i decided to make some cards on a theme know...


World of Warcraft





Text for Kel'Thuzad: This monster can only be summoned when Thaddius, Sapphiron, Loatheb, Maexxna and Anub'Rekhan are in the graveyard. In addition, When Kel'thuzad is summoned you may fill any remaining spaces with "Abomination", Any "Abomination" on the field will be reborn when destroyed so long as Kel'thuzad remains on the field.








Not my best, but by far my favourite.




Feedback welcome, but keep it nice :o


Edit: All photo's are from WoWWiki courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.


Edit 2: Known Issues are -

Maexxna Level 1

KT and Saph level 12 (This is intended, due to the nature of the cards i make i am only using them as show, and the levels show the raising power levels of the bosses/monsters.)

Abomination level too high (comparible with bosses)

Most bosses missing effects

No spell cards (Missing pictures that could reflect moves)


Added a few more.


Edit 3: Updated Cards incoming, with official Types, more effects (no new images yet)

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Just wow...


I play world of warcraft


Me = 69 Blood Elf Priest...


First of all, get non blurry pictures, would be great and now give 95% of them effects ^_^


also give more detailed effects, alot of OCG errors (OCG = Official Card Grammer)


so far my rating is 4/10, since I like WoW


I might make a WoW set aswell

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Just wow...


I play world of warcraft


Me = 69 Blood Elf Priest...


First of all' date=' get non blurry pictures, would be great and now give 95% of them effects ^_^


also give more detailed effects, alot of OCG errors (OCG = Official Card Grammer)


so far my rating is 4/10, since I like WoW


I might make a WoW set aswell



Thanks, keep in mind these are my first ever cards, so ya know... kinda still learning the ropes lol. I hope i fixed my OCG errors (Whatever they may be) with the latest incarnations. :)

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