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Angel of Love


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Just a new card that I was inspired when I was searching on DeviantART. Amuria is quite the drawer, I wish that the pictures she drew were real-life people. I would not mind dating them! :D




Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 1 card of each of the attributes. This card cannot be Summoned or changed into Attack Position. As long as this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot declare an attack on a Monster other than "Angel of Love". If this card is removed from the field, you can pay 2000 Life Points to return "Angel of Love" back to your hand. Once per duel, you can sacrifice "Angel of Love" to Special Summon any 3 Angel-type Monsters from your Graveyard to your side of the field. Any Monster summoned this way loses 200 ATK and DEF. If you use this effect, remove this card from play instead of sending it to the Graveyard.


Pic. Credit: girl in the clouds - collab


You will be seeing this picture again in the Girl Power Set. HINT HINT!

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 1 card of each of the attributes. This card cannot be Summoned or changed into Attack Position.


If you can't Summon it, you can't use it. Maybe you should write: This card can only be Special Summoned into Defense Position by removing from play 1 card of each of the attributes. If this card is in Attack Position, it is destroyed.


Also, "...removing from play 1 card of each of the attributes..." keeps sounding incorrect to me. You could try ...removing from play 1 LIGHT, 1 DARK, 1 FIRE, 1 WATER, and 1 EARTH monster. (I don't think I missed any elements.)

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