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DAD meets his creator


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21| Monsters


2| Dark Nephthys

2| Dark Armed Dragon

1| The Dark Creator

3| Destiny Hero - Malicious


3| D.D. Scout Plane

2| Krebons

1| Mind Master

1| Sangan

2| Dark Grepher

2| Strike Ninja

2| Phantom Of Chaos


12| Spells


2| Emergency Teleport

1| Monster Reborn

3| Reinforcement of the Army

3| Allure Of Darkness

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| D.D.R


9| Traps


1| Crush Card Virus

1| The Transmigration Prophecy

1| Return From The Different Dimension

3| Limit Reverse

3| Solemn Judgment


15| Extra Deck


3| Stardust Dragon

3| Red Dragon Archfiend

3| Goyo Guardian

2| Magical Android

2| Thought Ruler Archfiend

2| Colossal Fighter

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^Negate Attack is a horrible card. Primarily, it isn't chainable, meaning a stray MST gets rid of it. Cards like Threatening Roar and Waboku are far superior becauase they can be chained to their own destruction. There are solid cards that aren't chainable, namely Mirror Force, Dimensional Prison, and to a lesser extent Sakuretsu Armor and Widespread Ruin. They may not be chainable, but they also break even or better in card advantage, where as you are wasting 1 card, Negate Attack, and your opponent doesn't actually lose anything in card advantage. He or she is still free to attack next turn.

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