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my custom sprite showcase

Elemental Hero Shadow

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Well I am going to pick in choose a few random things since I don't feel like critiquing every one.


Bastwask is well done in some ways. It looks fancy and nice on the outside. You attempt the really complicated and advanced stuff I can tell. I however can't say this is a good thing. ON minor things you are lacking. Things like the hands and eye look awkward. Things don't look round even though they should. I also find the tail to particularly ugly.You need to learn to slow down and take your time to polish things up on it.


Turtomb is another good example that you try to go too advanced. You neglected other details and general quality. Like the head, or how the mouth area of the skull seem misshaped and outstretched. I also don't like the eyes, why are they two different colors? The eyes in general also don't look very nice. On the skull the mouth areas seems kind of flat and seems to be on a weird angle. Also on a technical note it is too large to be a Pokemon, Pokemon are in an 80X80 frame.


Tharchfien is facing the wrong way. His head and all should be angled. I find the tail is too oddly straight. The claws need a lot of work too. I really don't get what is up with his shoulder pads and the spikes on them. With the angle you have him on, they really should be identical or at least close.


The freaky chick with wings and stuff is nicely done. I don't though like how both wings are the same, and you didn't bother to reshade them at all. They also should better match the angle of her shoulders/back. I don't get what is suppose to be going on with the thing on her forehead either. Other than that I notice no other really errors.


Zero Suit Samus is pretty cool. I don't though like her right leg (our left). I also don't think her face looks right. The hair could have been a lot better too. The overworlds I think are better. The head though seems too high/big compared to the body. I'd try lowering them like a pixel maybe.


The mix of all legendaries is one of the better ones I've seen, but still pretty ugly. Also Rotom isn't really legendary. A few things seems extra off, like the Regirock shoulder, its colors is off. On its chest I think I see Mewtwo's tube, looks really awkward. I can't help but think you're missing some stuff too, but really its too hard to tell (like Groudon).


The Kyogre pixel art (if it is not pixel art and suppose to be a repose/sprite it is of course too big) is really nice. I think though once again like a lot of your sprites you kind of botched on the mouth and other small details like the red lines. The right flipper thing could also be a tad better in shape.


So now in general a few reminders/tips. You have things like shading and concept pretty good. You though probably rush a tad too much and don't bother to fix a lot of the little things. You though have a lot of little things and too many brings down the quality. Try to learn how to round edges better, and find ways to smooth things in general. A few things are also a tad too big to be Pokemon sprites of course. Also just as a personal note, I don't like the making of the Light type. Now I suppose I should give a rating (I hate giving ratings).



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Some of them are amazing! 10/10

Which ones?


No tutorials guys. Sorry' date=' but I don't know how to make them.




If you dont know how to make them then how did you make them in the first place? But they are really cool! The Yubel one is really cool and so are the ones in the first post!

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  • 4 weeks later...





(note: this is a splices of customs from dragonflycave. i do not take full credit. i made the body.)


(needs a name)




A rep to the person who gives me the best name for the dark/electric above.


to Jonas: I meant I don't know how to make a tutorial.

to Jappio: thanks for rating. and that "freaky chick with wings" is Yubel, and turtomb's eyes were made to be like hers, one green, one red.

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  • 1 year later...



i have so much new stuff, considering how long it's been. ANYONE WHO SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT NECRO-BUMPING WILL BE NEG REPPED.



my best splices so far.



ALL of my scratched sprites as of now. ignore the type-thing on the side.



the shiny versions of the last ones.


also, me on deviantart: http://elementalheroshadow2.deviantart.com/

you know, if you want to see larger versions.

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