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You sir are bad at the game. Dark Armed Dragon is more broken than many banned cards and is broken on so many levels without bringing banned cards into the equation. It would at least be an 8/10.


Dragon Master Knight.


4/10. Not completely useless. Fun with Fusion Gate and Chain Material as well as Catapult Turtle. Has an OTK. An inconsistent one for that matter.


Judgment Dragon.

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Rainbow Dark Dragon is the DARK version of Rainbow Dragon that is way better than Rainbow Dragon. You could actually build a decent deck around it when Reasoning and Monster Gate werent Limited.


As for Jinzo. 7/10. Too easily countered these days but still decent.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Anyone who says this sucks is bad at the game. It is actually possible to build a deck around him that actually works.

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Gyzarus' effect:


GB Bestairi + 1 GB

When this card is fusion summoned, you can destroy up to 2 cards on the field. If this card attacks or is attacked, you can return to fusion deck to tag out 2 GB's from your deck except GB bestairi.


Quickly typed his effect so ocg is baaaad


Anyways, GB Gyazarus (So I can get a rating this time)

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