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i have a new card tell me you think.


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Things wrong

  1. edition is not fully spelled
  2. picture looks like it's off a box
  3. Cards efect doesn't have proper gramer.
  4. Due to the inadiquit gramer it is hard to under stand the concept of it's Efect
  5. If a card is posted and includes another cards name in it please post all cards associated with eachother


My opinion on grade: 2/10



  1. In the tital don't use all lowercase, for every begining of a word use a capitol exept for words like: the, and, or or; unless the name starts out with one of thouse words.
  2. If you use a nother persons art, it's truly there &copy unless you mix it with others in a big way.
  3. If you have troble with spelling use microsoft word or notebook to conjer up a good efect/ description.

And who ever said playing with legos is for babies, there wrong.


Have they ever programed one of these:


Yes, It dose require a mental chalenge for beginer programers in robotics. They use these in FLL; a national robotics tournament.

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