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Venom Deck or Tactical Evolution Deck


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Deck=40 cards


18 Monsters

Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes

Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes

Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes

Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes

Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes

Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes

Venom Cobra

Venom Cobra

Venom Cobra

Venom Boa

Venom Boa

Venom Boa

Venom Snake

Venom Snake

Venom Snake

Venom Serpent

Venom Serpent

Venom Serpent


12 Magics

Snake Rain

Snake Rain

Snake Rain

Venom Swamp

Venom Swamp

Venom Swamp

Venom Shot

Venom Shot

Venom Shot

Double Summon

Double Summon

Double summon



10 Traps

Snake Whistle

Snake Whistle

Damage = Reptile

Snake Deity's Comand

Rise of the Snake Deity

Rise of the Snake Deity

Rise of the Snake Deity

Ambush Fangs

Ambush Fangs

Venom Burn

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New Japanese Restriction List



Forbidden Cards 「禁止カード」:

The following cards cannot be put into a deck:


Victory Dragon

Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End 「混沌帝龍 -終焉の使者-」

Chaos Sorcerer 「カオス・ソーサラー」

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 「カオス・ソルジャー -開闢の使者-」

Sinister Serpent 「キラー・スネーク」

Witch of the Black Forest 「黒き森のウィッチ」

Thousand-Eyes Restrict 「サウザンド・アイズ・サクリファイス」

Cyber Jar 「サイバーポッド」

Makyura the Destructor 「処刑人-マキュラ」

Tsukuyomi 「月読命」

Cyber-Stein 「デビルフランケン」

Tribe-Infecting Virus 「同族感染ウィルス」

Fiber Jar 「ファイバーポッド」

Magical Scientist 「魔導サイエンティスト」

Yata-Garasu 「八汰烏」

Mirage of Nightmare 「悪夢の蜃気楼」

Delinquent Duo 「いたずら好きな双子悪魔」

Temple of the Kings 「王家の神殿」

Painful Choice 「苦渋の選択」

The Forceful Sentry 「強引な番兵」

Pot of Greed 「強欲な壺」

Change of Heart 「心変わり」

Raigeki 「サンダー・ボルト」

Monster Reborn 「死者蘇生」

Butterfly Dagger - Elma 「蝶の短剣-エルマ」

Graceful Charity 「天使の施し」

Harpie's Feather Duster 「ハーピィの羽根帚」

Dark Hole 「ブラック・ホール」

Last Will 「遺言状」

Confiscation 「押収」 *

Snatch Steal 「強奪」 *

Metamorphosis 「突然変異」 *

Imperial Order 「王宮の勅命」

Exchange of the Spirit 「現世と冥界の逆転」

Sixth Sense 「第六感」

Time Seal 「刻の封印」

Last Turn 「ラストバトル!」

Ring of Destruction 「破壊輪」 *


Restriction Cards 「制限カード」:

Only 1 copy of the following cards can be put into a deck:


D. D. Warrior Lady 「異次元の女戦士」

Elemental Hero Stratos 「E・HEROエアーマン」

Sangan 「クリッター」

Dark Magician of Chaos 「混沌の黒魔術師」

Protector of the Sanctuary 「神殿を守る者」

Spirit Reaper 「魂を削る死霊」

Dandelion 「ダンディライオン」

Twin-Headed Behemoth 「ドル・ドラ」

Night Assailant 「深淵の暗殺者」

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole 「N・グランモール」

Exodia the Forbidden One 「封印されしエクゾディア」

Right Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の右足」

Right Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の右腕」

Left Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の左足」

Left Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の左腕」

Marshmallon 「マシュマロン」

Envoy of Hades - Gors 「冥府の使者ゴーズ」

Morphing Jar 「メタモルポット」

Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest 「森の番人グリーン・バブーン」

Treeborn Frog 「黄泉ガエル」

Magician of Faith 「聖なる魔術師」 *

Breaker the Magical Warrior 「魔導戦士 ブレイカー」 *

Destiny Hero - Disk Commander 「D-HEROディスクガイ」 *

Card Trooper 「カードガンナー」 *

Snipe Hunter 「スナイプ・ストーカー」 *

Heavy Storm 「大嵐」

Overload Fusion 「オーバーロードフュージョン」

Mystical Space Typhoon 「サイクロン」

Dimension Fusion 「次元融合」

Scapegoat 「スケープ・ゴート」

United We Stand 「団結の力」

Chain Strike 「連鎖爆撃」

Book of Moon 「月の書」

Card Destruction 「手札抹殺」

Premature Burial 「早すぎた埋葬」

Swords of Revealing Light 「光の護封剣」

Mage Power 「魔導師の力」

Magical Stone Excavation 「魔法石の採掘」

Giant Trunade 「ハリケーン」

Gold Sarcophagus 「封印の黄金櫃」

Future Fusion 「未来融合-フューチャー・フュージョン」

Limiter Removal 「リミッター解除」

Level Limit - Area B 「レベル制限B地区」

Megamorph 「巨大化」 *

Brain Control 「洗脳-ブレイン・コントロール-」 *

Smashing Ground 「地砕き」 *

Fissure 「地割れ」 *

Gravity Bind 「グラヴィティ・バインド-超重力の網-」

Torrential Tribute 「激流葬」

Crush Card Virus 「死のデッキ破壊ウイルス」

Mirror Force 「聖なるバリア -ミラーフォース-」

Ultimate Offering 「血の代償」

Ceasefire 「停戦協定」

Mind Crush 「マインドクラッシュ」

Magic Cylinder 「魔法の筒」

Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッドの呼び声」

Trap Dustshoot 「ダスト・シュート」 *

The Transmigration Prophecy 「転生の予言」 *

Wall of Revealing Light 「光の護封壁」 *


Semi-Restriction Cards 「準制限カード」:

Only 2 copies of the following cards can be put into a deck:


Manticore of Darkness 「暗黒のマンティコア」

Apprentice Magician 「見習い魔術師」

Mask of Darkness 「闇の仮面」

Jinzo 「人造人間-サイコ・ショッカー」 *

Destiny Hero - Malicious 「D-HEROディアボリック・ガイ」 *

Red Gadget 「レッド・ガジェット」 *

Yellow Gadget 「イエロー・ガジェット」 *

Green Gadget 「グリーン・ガジェット」 *

Creature Swap 「強制転移」

Reinforcement of the Army 「増援」

Pot of Avarice 「貪欲な壺」 *

Nobleman of Crossout 「抹殺の使徒」 *

Reckless Greed 「無謀な欲張り」

Royal Decree 「王宮のお触れ」 *


No longer restricted 「準制限」:

3 copies per deck allowed:


Protector of the Sanctuary 「神殿を守る者」 *

D. D. Assailant 「D.D.アサイラント」 *

Good Goblin Housekeeping 「ゴブリンのやりくり上手」 *

Deck Devastation Virus 「魔のデッキ破壊ウイルス」 *


this it the sep ban list

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Dragon: No. Cards are released about 3 months earlier in Japan (1 set difference) for sets but Japan isn't getting another set for the next 6 months, so we'll get them at the same time. You don't understand how Konami works so don't argue against someone with false information.


The lists are the same, EXCEPT, OCG cards previously on the last list will be added onto the OCG list and TCG cards like Grandmaster of the Six Samurai might be added to our list.

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the first set in japan was luanched 1 year before the first american set. and i doubt you know how konami works because you don't work for konami. hell, niether do i but i know people in japan, they are two sets ahead. i am not giving false info. you are just being a stupid s*** that doesn't like to be proven wrong.

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i do know, plus your no good player. good players don't beatdown other players ideas. as i said earlier, you don't like to be proven wrong. i will say your right, when i see the new list on yugioh-card.com. but until then, you are just a stupid kid that always thinks he's right. plus, what is to report, if it is for language, i could report you for several of the pm's you sent me. so don't tell me you know what is best.

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Kid, I think everyone agrees with me on this. SHUT UP.


You don't know exactly how good I am. I am in Fatal Union, only the best of the best get into that team. I play alongside the best in the UK and some of the best in the USA.


You're the one who doesn't like to be proven wrong, as you're a dumb kid who acts like you're someone important.


You know NOTHING of pro YGO players. They can be some of the nastiest or friendliest of people kiddo.


You call me stupid? At least I make sense and use good grammar. I'm in my county's best school and get top grades. You don't have evidence for nothing and your argument automatically gets nullified.


I thank you for the fun night you've given me and I hope you learn your lesson.


Zip it kid.


Ash =]

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fatl union..... right, sounds like a bunch of kids who hate their parents or an emo group. prove you can be nasty. and i know i'm not important, but in your post, you seem to think your better than everyone. by the way, schooling doesn't prove how smart you are, just proves you have a rich daddy. that is probably why your so stuck up. because you have money and you think your better than everyone else. dumb, right, i've got an IQ close to einstien's. i don't use it because i choose not to. i would love to meet you and have you tell me zip it then. oh, by they way, i just was proven wrong. but not by you. i actually have friends. not people that like me because of money.

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fatl union..... right' date=' sounds like a bunch of kids who hate their parents or an emo group. prove you can be nasty. and i know i'm not important, but in your post, you seem to think your better than everyone. by the way, schooling doesn't prove how smart you are, just proves you have a rich daddy. that is probably why your so stuck up. because you have money and you think your better than everyone else. dumb, right, i've got an IQ close to einstien's. i don't use it because i choose not to. i would love to meet you and have you tell me zip it then. oh, by they way, i just was proven wrong. but not by you. i actually have friends. not people that like me because of money.



Look. You're just coming up with random excuses now.


A: This is nothing to do with money.


B: Never funking bring my dad into this.


C: Parhaps if you used this IQ more often you wouldn't act like 1 9-year-old.




E: I am better than EVERYONE on this forum, as I have tons of experience and play regularly online and offline with some of the best players around. I have a right to use my skills to tell people what they need to do with their decks or how awful they are.


F: Go back to school, learn how to spell, learn grammar then when you feel you're ready to argue with me in an intelligent manner, come back to me, kid.

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fatl union..... right' date=' sounds like a bunch of kids who hate their parents or an emo group. prove you can be nasty. and i know i'm not important, but in your post, you seem to think your better than everyone. by the way, schooling doesn't prove how smart you are, just proves you have a rich daddy. that is probably why your so stuck up. because you have money and you think your better than everyone else. dumb, right, i've got an IQ close to einstien's. i don't use it because i choose not to. i would love to meet you and have you tell me zip it then. oh, by they way, i just was proven wrong. but not by you. i actually have friends. not people that like me because of money.



Look. You're just coming up with random excuses now.


A: This is nothing to do with money.


B: Never funking bring my dad into this.


C: Parhaps if you used this IQ more often you wouldn't act like 1 9-year-old.




E: I am better than EVERYONE on this forum, as I have tons of experience and play regularly online and offline with some of the best players around. I have a right to use my skills to tell people what they need to do with their decks or how awful they are.


F: Go back to school, learn how to spell, learn grammar then when you feel you're ready to argue with me in an intelligent manner, come back to me, kid.


Yeah, Sartorius, I have to agree with dragon, you are a real ass, and you aren't better than everyone else. Fatal Union is a load of crap, if not show us something that proves that it isn't. You probably aren't good at making decks. How would we know that you are? You never post any and when I asked you to make me one, you blatantly refused. You always say other people's decks are terrible, probably because then people will think you know your stuff and you must be good at Yu-Gi-Oh. Also, don't swear, it's not cool. And, you are friends with Falling Pizza, so that automatically reassures that you are stuck-up, annoying and an idiot.

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Sartorius, where do you think you got the right to run around slamming everybody else, and then use the excuse that you are 'best on the forum'? There is no 'best' person, so you should shut the hell up and try to be a bit more agreeable. -1 rep added. Consider that as your first and only warning.

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No, I will not shut up. I have the right to voice my opinions over decks and stuff as I have credentials and am recognised for being a great player. People start arguments with me because they're the fakes, thinking they're good at this game. I came here to help people and I have made a few friends on here.


I am quite surprised that you, Frunk of all people would take the side with this kid over personal afflictions he seems to have with me. He's insulted me, my family and more importantly Fatal Union who are the 2nd best online team by not just the names and reputations of the members but of the results they have in wars.


If you look back in this topic, you'll see that Dragon was first to insult me by telling me:


you are just being a stupid s*** that doesn't like to be proven wrong.


That was totally uncalled for and, I to my knowledge have never personally insulted a member. I say stuff about their decks as you have to be critical or the point never gets through to them.


I am a great player and deckbuilder of this game and I would post more decks here, but I know that Star has previously netdecked my Monarch build from here and called it his own on DMA "r".


I TRY not to cause problems as I am a hater of arguments and stubborn people, but I have all right to voice my opinion however critical to the members of this forum.


People insult me as they're jealous, and I cannot help that. If you've been through all that I have in life so far, you'd know it's horrible for people to act this way towards you.


I've been where you all are before, when I used to run a Yugi-like spellcaster deck and I used to get insulted a lot for it. I got beat up, I had cards and personal belongings stolen from me and I lost nearly every game, still thinking I was awesome with the pile of cards I called my deck. I then moved on and have improved 1000x since then, 2 years ago.


Dragon insulted my dad and that's VERY harsh. My family by all means is "well-off" but my mum split from my dad when I was 8 and ever since, things have gotten worse and worse for him. His business went bankrupt and he's living off barely any money now.


It SICKENS me to think that personal insults on a person's family can be gotten away with on here just because most people hate me. Mods are meant to be fair and analyse the situation and do what's needed. I am not asking you to let me off for whatever I may have done. I am asking you to reassess the situation. I was defending my family, myself and my team and I had ALL the right to do so.


I have not done anything to directly insult Dragon or his family and he's the one being out of order here. If you cannot see that then you might as well get YCMaker involved, as I have done NOTHING wrong and don't like getting involved with this sort of argument. If it calls for it YCMaker can ban me, but I know I am defending the truth.



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you realize right that when the next banned list comes out' date=' diety will most likely be limited, or even banned. plus since it is so hard to bring out, why run three.



it will not be banned, or they wouldnt have released it. it will not be limited. it isnt that hard to summon.


why run three? cuz if you fail with one, youve got 2 more chances.

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Tactical Evolution pack the new one.


yes i do agree Sartorius is probly the most douche bag and narrow minded person on the forums, BUT (see that i said "but") he does know what hes talking about and ppl should lesten to him.


Fatal Union does sound like some emo band XD.


1st rule about fatel union dont talk about fatel union

2nd ruel about fatel union dont talk about fatel union

Sartorius has broken the first 2 rules X3 lmfao

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I was actually aiming for someone to come up with the Fight Club joke xD


I know I'm arrogant, but I have reason to be. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, I don't try to do so.


Being a Buddhist, I keep all insults away from living things and put them onto objects like decks. If I ever insult something living, it is by fault.

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