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Death Note personal RP


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Yes, another Death Note RP. I know that there are a lot of them, but this one has a twist, the gameplay is shown with PM's only.

There will be two groups: Kira team and Investigation Team (IT for short).

This RP will require some patience, as I am limited to only a couple hours a day, and hardly ever after 7:00 pm.

Please PM me if you wish to sign up.


The whole point to the game is for the IT to determine who is Kira. They will have contact with other players through events and evididence I give them. The Kira team's job is to find the names and faces of the IT to win the game through events and clues I give them. Interactions are only to people I tell you about. Please, if you tell someone on your team that someone on the other team has contacted you, tell me.


After IT has determined who is a member of the Kira Team, they can post it here with there name along-side it. (this thread will be referred to as SukuraTV)


After a Kira Team member has determined the avatar and name of an IT, they can send them to me and I shall tell them that they are dead (death is determined by the Kira).


Character Form:

Name: Character Name (username will do fine)

Group: Kira or IT? Subject to change

Description: Your avatar will do fine

Personality: Absolutely required. Helps determine what side you will be on.

Age: Can be made up, but it influences the amount of life-time you have left



1)No spamming, flamming, ect

2)Only post on here if absolutely necessary

3)You cannot PM people of the other team without my prior concent if it relates to this RP

4)No doing anything un-characteristically

5)Have fun with it

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