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buddy -

Sigh...you've disabled your PM...So I guess I'll post the stuff here.


Your OCG/card review: Winged Dragon of Ra:

First off, I hope you aren't trying to put this in realistic, because it will get moved. God cards belong in pop culture. Second, I don't know what kind of reviews you're going to get, seeing as how so many people have done this before...it's not exactly an original idea, you know?

But regardless of that, on to the OCG:


"This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 monsters you control. This card's original ATK and DEF is the combined ATK and DEF of the 3 Tributed monsters. You can pay Life Points in multiples of 1 (I would personally change that to 100) to increase this card's ATK by the number of Life Points paid. This card can declare an attack on the turn it was Summoned, regardless of conditions." (I'm not even sure what you mean by this..)


Pic: Rather standard pic of Ra....even a little blurred. You won't get much enthusiasm from this.


Balance: Not much of it here, although I guess that's the point, since it's a god card...


Some side notes: Winged Dragon should be capitalized in the title. And in case you care, you're doing the set ID wrong...set ID's should have 4 letters in the first part, usually an abbreviation of the set it's in. I see you've done that part correctly. However, the second part should be EN - for english, because that's the language this card is in - then 3 digits, depending on what order the card was created in in relation to the rest of the set. So if, say, Master Necromancer was your first card, and Ra was your second, the set IDs would go

FOTB-EN001 and FOTB-EN002 respectively.




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i want this cards ocg fixed the card reveiw ting 'k? i have already payed and this shop needs a bump pleas tell me if it is op up and if the pic is over used. if it is op could you give balancing tips? i will pay you an extra point for that afterwords (per card) i always pay. i am trying to make a 8/10 post so i am trying to get all of my cards balanced and with good ocg.



oh the card is hard to read so heres the lore:

this card cannot be nomal summon or set. this card cannot be special summoned exept when "Apollo-The archer" is on your side field by paying 500 life points. this card gains the following affects according to the types and atributes on the field face up.

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@Buddy: Will do.


Heros Last Arrow:


First, the name. Well, unless you mean more than one hero, (which would be heroes), you should have an apostrophe there. => Hero's Last Arrow.

Oh, and Last and Arrow need to be capitalized.


Pic: It's not overused, but it is a bit plain...but not bad overall. The only thing, you need to crop the words off the bottom of the pic.


OCG: Well this needs work....


This card can only be activated when your opponent selects a monster on your field as an attack target. Unless the targeted monster is "Apollo - The Archer" or "Artemis - Goddess of the Hunt", toss a coin. -Heads: Destroy all Attack Position monsters on your opponent's field. -Tails: Discard 1 card.


The underlined part I'm not 100% sure...

Some tips:

Numbers are always in their numerical form, never written out. (so one is always 1, two is always 2, etc)

Your side of the field is always wrong. You can either use Your field or control


Balance: This card is OP. It's not horribly OP, but OP nonetheless. Either make the tails cost much higher, or make the heads effect weaker. (I would make the heads weaker...maybe only destroy the attacking monster/ only destroy 2 monsters...something around there. Boosting the tails cost still wouldn't hurt, even then.)


I've mentioned this before, but Set ID should have EN-your numbers, depending on where in the set this card is made. For example, if Hero's Last Arrow is the 5th card in the set, then the ID would be FOTB-EN005.


Apollo - The Archer

Pic: Ouch! That's a lot of writing at the bottom of the pic! Crop that. Then...the picture would technically be fine, but I still don't like it much. Especially since you're calling him "the archer". Well...he has a lot of fire in that pic, but I don't see a bow and arrow. What kind of archer doesn't have a bow and arrows?


Name: Capitalize Archer. Capitalize Myth


OCG: When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, destroy 1 Set Spell or Trap Card on your opponent's field. Once per turn, you can inflict 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points. If you activate this effect, this card cannot declare an attack this turn.


Tips: Opponent is never capitalized (unless you are beginning a sentence with it)

You should always capitalized the first word in a sentence, that's not OCG, it's plain English.

When talking about damaging your opponent, you should say Life Points.


*Underlined part, I'm not sure if it's "you", or "this card".


Balance: Again, slightly OP. Spells and Traps make the world go round. This is not too bad, but with 1800 ATK, it's still a little strong. I would lower his ATK to around 1500-1600 range, and add an additional cost to it (discard a card, or have your opponent draw a card, or pay LP...something.)


Artemis - Goddess of the Hunt


Pic: Yikes! A border?? That's a big no-no. Crop that out. Hmm....the art style is a bit strange on this pic. It might look good on a spell or trap card, but I'm not really liking it on a monster. If possible, I'd suggest finding a better pic.


Name: Capitalize Hunt/Myth


OCG: Well, uh...you didn't give me the whole effect...but I'll check the parts you did give me.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when "Apollo - the Archer" is on your field, and by paying 500 Life Points. This card gains the following effects depending on the Types and Attributes of the monsters on the field


Again, underlining, I'm not completely sure.

Tips: You should know which words are special to yugioh, and which ones of those are capitalized. I recommend visiting the OCG Thread, stickied at the top of Realistic, as it has a list of the words that are always capitalized.


By squinting a little, I can see you have made a classic newbie mistake on the rest of the effect:

You capitalized the different Types. Only Attributes are allcaps (FIRE, WATER, EARTH, etc..)

While Types, only the first letter is capitalized (Beast-Type, Beast-Warrior-Type, Winged Beast-Type)


Which brings me to another question...your effect says "Types and Attributes", but I can only see you listing Types.


Balance: Bump it up to a 4star, or lower it's ATK to 1200 and lower. I can't really tell about the rest of it, without seeing the rest of the effect.

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