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OMGAKITTY's Misc. Shop of Many Things!


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Right. I've decided to remake my shop.


This is now the Newbie Helper Shop


This section is now known as the Professional Rater Shop


Pretty much this is just OCG fixes from me to you.

I'll also inform you if the pic is overused or if it's OP or UP, and try to give you insight on how to balance it if it is. (Wait a minute! So what you are saying is that you're going to review my card!)


Well, essentially, yes. Not to be offensive, but there are a lot of subpar cards floating around on Realistic. Many threads get locked and what-not...it's kind of annoying. So in order to avoid locks and/or harsh flaming from members, you could come here and ask me first! :D


Pricing is going to come cheap (because after all, A. If you're a newbie, chances are that you don't have many points, and B. I am offering what you could probably get for free)


I will review your cards at the price of 2 points per card, with a package deal of 10 cards for 6 points, and 15 cards for 20 points.



This section is now known as the Holo Shop

Holo-ing! I still offer it!

Last time my prices were a bit silly, so let me try again...


5 points a holo

2 points a name holo

1 point for a gold sticker


7 point package deal.





Points should be paid in advanced (as it will serve as a notification to me that I have something I need to holo/review...or you can PM me.)

I will PM you the finished card/ card review.

It is very important to PM me.


And now, a brand new section!

The "I can make your eyes look cool" Shop!


What's this entail? Well, send me a picture of your eye (or anyone's eye, really), and I can make it look all cool and unnatural.






Ignore the weird discoloring on the face. I was in a hurry, and did a really poor job of editing out a time stamp.


I'm still relatively new at this, so I'll try my best. When sending me the pic (preferably in a PM), simply request the eye color. The full face color change thing...I give no guarantees on how the coloring on that will turn out.


Payment! Payment is important! :P

20 points per pic.

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