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Legokun's Shop of Stuff ((All Orders Free)(if i have no bizness i haff to colze.....))


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Oh.. I have a idea :D I could find pictures for people ! They could help them like-if they were making a card or booster and they couldn't find the picture they were looking for ^_^ If the answer is yes please add this to the examples:Will find any picture of pokemon ! Price:Depending how hard or easy the picture is to find. ^_^

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NameofBooster: Viruses of Doom

picture: 143050ke6.jpg I;d appreciate it if you'd render out the card and just put the pic on the pack but if not then that's ok. (will pay extra for pic only)


logo: what is this? Please answer and dont put on the pack. Thanks

textcolor: Red


When do I pay? Please answer Questions and tell if it will be pic only or full card. Thanks,


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Cant see text. Pl change to Purple.

Did I send you points?

Can D.D Starstorm Make me a small Espeon sig with attached pic?

If I order Espeon today' date=' and you give tomorrow, is the effect of Espeon Day still valid for that item?


And 1 last Q.. Am I a splicing worker?



yes the effect of Espeon day is sitll in effect

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