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Hallo Warrior (New Fiend-Type card, NEW PIC!!! Take a look)


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My new Fiend-Type card :D i Love It :))


[spoiler=Effect] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing 3 Fiend-Type monsters on your side of the field.Pay 2000 Life Points to select 1 Attribute.All monsters in your Graveyard are that Attribute you selected(monsters sent to the Graveyard after this cards effect are excluded).This monster gains 400 ATK for every Dark Attribute monsters in your Graveyard.If this monsters ATK is higher than 3000 you gain 100 Life Points every time this monster attacks.




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Few OCG errors. This card can get extremely Overpwoered though. If you make all the cards in your Graveyard DARK then this card could gain so much ATK. And by the ATK being the amount of DARK monsters in your Graveyard, I can't see why anyone wouldn't chose DARK. 6.5/10

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