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Do you like jurassic park?  

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  1. 1. Do you like jurassic park?

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i thought it looked like a velociraptor and a scyther. Please dont say stuff like ocg errors and overpower ok. just a card for fun and a card of my favorite dinosaur.



A small but deadly predator from the Cretaceous period. Its small body ment it could run at very high speeds, hence the "Veloci" in its name. Velociraptor was a pack hunter, it was very social and very intellegent. Velociraptor and other Raptors were once the most intellegent dinosaurs ever found, but then they found Troodon. The Velociraptor is also a big thing in movies, such as "Jurassic Park" and documentarys. Its science name is Velociraptor mongoliensis, because it was found in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.




you can also post about my sciency descryption for Velociraptor!!

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Card 1:


Good but add an effect!


Spire's Rating: 5/10. (until you add an effect to it)


Card 2:


The best card there but the effect is too simple and basic.


Spire's Rating: 7.1/10.


Card 3:


Overpowered. Come on! 9999 ATK and DEF?!?!


Spire's Rating: 0.4/10.


Spire's Overall Rating: 6.4/10. (Because you made them for fun)


But you could at least make them realistic.


And of corse I like Jaurassic Park.

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Sweet idea but overpowered...


I love how you researched the Velociraptor, that made me smile (screw 1-2 sentences, a paragraph is the best :))


Scyther is underpowered, make it 2700 ATK and 1800 DEF.


I love the last card, awesome idea, but I believe that you should change it to the following:


8 Stars

3000 ATK

2300 DEF






(Fusion Summoning effect, blah, blah, blah). By paying 600 Life Points, this card can attack your opponent direct with 1900 ATK. this card is unaffected by the effects of Spell and Trap Cards.


^ Something like that...



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