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Duel Terminal 3.

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Natural Rock is interesting actually. Thing is, I don't think his effect would work when a counter trap would be activated, unless his effect actually gets through after the resolve of said traps...


Medium of Ice Boundary is interesting too. But not that gamebreaking...


Young Roc of Mist Valley, if his effect can work with costs(based on the text I'm reading), is AWESOME.


Natural Beast is INSANE. Rescue Cat, meet your new friend.


The other new synchros aren't that good though.

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Natural Beetle = Why?

Natural Rock = Umm.. Sometimes useful?

Guardian = Plant support, I guess.

Nerve = Possible potential.

Medium of Ice Boundry = Possible potential.

Young Roc = Not sure. Possible uses.

Enforcer = Meh.. Side deck material, maybe?

Reserarcher = Just hurts the game at this point. We don't need unused decks to lose power xP

Enemy Catcher = Same.

Worms = More crappy worm support? Make a GOOD one! D<

Natural Beast = Sonic says "That's good!"

Tiger = Potential potential.

Field Marshall = Helps you even more when you're winning.

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