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New Spirits (Lock Please)

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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In this RP you become any monster card you've created (except for a joke or pop culture card) and become it's spirit. Then you'll live out your spirit's life and possibly be collected by a worthy duelist.


OoC: Form


Card Name:





Look (exclude if you haven't imagined it or don't have a pic):




Duelist you belong to (If you want to be owned):



Card Name: Slashforce Ruler

Personality: Brave-yet-humble, daring, intelligent, a good friend, a tough guy, and somewhat on the border of good and evil.

ATK: 3750

DEF: 1900

Effect: Increase the ATK of all "Slashforce" monsters (except this 1) by 1000. Also, you can pay 2000 Life Points to summon 1 level 4 or lower monster from you Graveyard. That monster loses any effect(s) and it cannot attack your opponent directly.

Side: Good

Abilities: People around him seem to grow stronger and he can reserect allies if he is at full power.

Set: Slashforce

Duelist you belong to: No One

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