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What deck can most effectively run IIW loops?

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I'm caught between Zombies and Lightsworn. Zombies carry their obvious search and draw capabilities, but Lightsworn doesn't get nerf'd with IIW out. Your thoughts?

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Guest PikaPerson01

I'm gonna be an ass and say, Macro Cosmos decks.


Then I'll be serious for a second and suggest Lightsworn, since using Imperial Iron Wall in Zombies negates some of their best support (Namely, Mezuki and Book of Life).

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Also' date=' lrn2grammer, affect not effect.



Who the **** are you talking to?


I'd assume that he's referring to the topic title. Based on this assumption, I would conclude that he is an idiot.


That's what I inferred, also. Just wanted a bit of clarification before I busted out the OED and started my reign of grammar-terror.

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How do you keep getting tuners to make the monsters to trib for mass driver?


you tribute quillbolt with a tuner on the field with IIW to keep it from being removed from play by it's effect. You don't tribute the tuner, you leave it there so that you can bring back quillbolt.


This starting the loop....

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