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Chaos-End Master - Discussion

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If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher monster with 1600 ATK or less from your Deck.


if we get this card,Shapesnatch looks promising.

and Doma,the Angel of Silience.

and those other worthless shoulda-been-lv4 vanillas.


yep,oldskool vanilla synchro=win,with this card.


did i mention it's another RotAble Tuner?

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Clearly we have better things to get rather than those old crappy vanillas. I'd just do a search for them on DMU, but can't atm. Invitation to a Dark Sleep has more lol attack and a retardly situational effect that you'll never use, but still more lol attack.

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Lolwiki has its uses. Granted, there are several problems with the list - for example, monsters like Winged Kuriboh LV10 that can't be Special Summoned by this effect are listed anyhow, and cards like Aphrodite that aren't even in the TCG or OCG are included too - but it's still not too bad a reference for those looking for possible uses for this card.
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correct me if Im wrong but aint Doma a 1700 thus cannot be searched with this?


god card is good


You're wrong.


Doma has 1600.


You sure? I have 2 Doma that has 1700 attack' date=' unless its a misprint =)



Yes, both of them are misprints.


1st edition maybe? they do change cards, and back then, what could they change? lol

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