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Will Zombie Synchro be the new dominant deck in TCG?

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glad needs to die


zombie synch will be a top tier. if at all possible' date=' plz beat glad....



Silence! The Gladiator Beasts shall reign supreme!


Immediatly end this or I will prove you wrong.


Consider it done.


As for Zombie Synchro, Des Kaiser Dragon is pretty cool.


You're looking at the wrong side of the tune process.

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I will not rest until Gladiator Beasts are considered meta


Because they somehow haven't been considered meta for the past several months?


I keep hearing that Lightsworn and DAD are meta and GB are only Top Tier. Fine' date=' GB have to be the TOP of the meta.



Gladiator Beasts won absolutely everything - every SJC, Worlds, everything - between the mid-format banlist changes and the arrival of TeleDAD...and then they beat TeleDAD too.


They've been TOP of the meta for ages now.


Okay, nevermind then. Go Gladiator Beasts! Hope they eventually can work with Synchro's.


Wow. That statement was pretty epic. >.>

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