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Cheerful Coffin counts as a cost so it shouldn't be in a dark world deck anyways' date='[/quote']


I lol'd... at the first half anyway.


Ehh... right answer for the wrong reason? Cheerful Coffin isn't a cost, it's an effect, but either way it shouldn't be in Dark World Deck.


Yugioh Wikia lied to me. :(


I thought a discard written at the beginning of a card was a cost, anything after was an effect.


And yeah, I know that it shouldn't be in a Dark World deck because it diminishes your hand w/o even inflicting some sort of effect on your opponent like Dark World Thunder or drawing cards like Dark World Lightning.


EDIT: I checked Cheerful Coffin again. Yugioh Wikia wasn't lying, someone had put it down as a cost a few months ago(when I read it) and it has been changed since then.

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uh Level 8 tuning is easy

Summon Marauding Captain,Special Summon Junk Synchron,Special Summon one LV 2 Warrior monster from your Graveyard=Colossal Fighter


I have seen people play Stardust and Red Archfiend on their first turn using Double Summon


Light Wave Tuning should only be used as a VERY Last resort

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~why tuners monsters are bad for lvl 8 synchro monsters~


Tuners are made for LV8 Synchros.


Saying tuners are bad for LV8 Synchros is like saying 70 card decks are good for playing Yu-Gi-Oh.


Replace that damn Lightwave' date=' already.


just to inform you


1 instant fusion + 1 fusion monster +1 tuner monster = 3

1 monster + 1 monster + 1 lightwave tuning = 3


Same amount of cards used duh duh duh


You're doing it wrong.


So wrong, it makes me want to punch you.

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