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Dark Sync Deck...usin Tragoedia

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Two wins on DMU, once against a burn/stall (actually, I FTK'ed him) and a second time against a totally netdecks LS build. I forgot E-Teleport was 3 and under and not -4, he corrected me and i took it back, he said it was fine. After I Tragoedia'd his Goyo (dc raiza, lol) he said "no takebacks and i cheated" and the idiot of a host kicked me out. After i posted the kid's reply where he said "it's fine".

ITT: people who need to report a mistake (that was fixed) to win are f@gs


Monsters: 20

3x Tragoedia

1x Gorz

1x CyDra

1x Caius


3x Krebons

2x Psychic Commander

2x Dark Grepher

1x Breaker

1x Dandelion

1x Don Zaloog

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Treeborn Frog

1x Morphing Jar


Spells: 18

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Mind Control

3x Emergency Teleport

2x Foolish Burial

1x Brain Control

1x Trunade

1x Storm

1x Reasoning

1x Monster Reborn

1x MST

1x Scapegoat


Traps: 3

1x CCV

1x MF

1x TT


(Extra Deck)


Arms Aid

Arms Aid

Black Rose Dragon

Brionac, Dragon of the Frozen Realm

Brionac, Dragon of the Frozen Realm

X-Saber Urbellum

X-Saber Urbellum

Goyo Guardian

Goyo Guardian

Goyo Guardian

Red Dragon Archfiend

Red Dragon Archfiend

Stardust Dragon

Stardust Dragon

Stardust Dragon


(Side Deck)

Dunno what I can add in...


2x DAD (swap out for a surprise, take out 2x tragoedia)


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Looks nice' date=' though I think having more Level 4's would be beneficial to the deck as a whole. That's just my opinion.



That's true. I playtested a bit more, I usually have enough to make a Level 7 Synchro, so i'll get more of those, - Marsy, -Necros, and -somethin else for some level fours.

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Psychic Commander' date=' Dark Grepher and DAD.

Replace dark resonnator, foolish burial, dandelion and treeborn frog for those.


I would also play caius over raiza because of allure. Same thing for spirit reaper and marshmallon.



This was some advice I could use :3

I tried it a bit more lst night and this would really help, +rep

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