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Spellcaster Card Contest ( STARTED )


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Welcome to a Ced Contest!

The Rules


[align=center] 1. This Contest officially starts when I have 5 or more Members


2. The end date will be posted ( 9/29/08 ) once the contest starts.


3. The entry fee for this Contest is 3 points.


4. You can make as many cards as you like (Min. 2 ) The more you have, the bigger chance you have of winning.


5. The card MUST be original.


6. Have fun


7. They MUST be Spellcasters



[align=right] Prizes:

1st- 4 Rep

2nd- 2 Rep

3rd- 50 Points


[align=left] Contestants:

1. Cardcrazyboy

2. DeMeNTed


4. Brodioh

5. Monkeybuoy2

6. Tetraslash

7. The Almighty Animator

8. Blackfang

9. Lightdiversion

10. Silent Hunter





(I'll add more as people Join )[/align]

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Reserve, I suppose.


As long as this card remains on the field, Winged Beast-Types cannot be Summoned. Destroy any Winged Beast-Types on the field when this card was Summoned. If this card is destroyed by battle, Special Summon it to the field. Every time this card is Special Summoned by this effect, increase it's ATK by 200. You can discard any number of Winged Beast-Type monsters from your hand during your Main Phase to deal damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the number of cards you discard x400. If this card's ATK is higher than 3000, remove this card from play.

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Alright, here are my cards. I have paid the fee:





[spoiler=Eria's Effect:]This card can be Special Summoned by discarding 1 WATER monster from your hand. When this card is Summoned successfully, add 1 "Umi" from your Deck to your hand. Increase the ATK of all WATER monsters on the field except this monster by 500 points. While this card is face-up on your side of the field, negate the effect(s) of all FIRE monsters on the field. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 WATER monster from your side of the field to negate the activation and effect of a Trap Card and destroy it. If "Umi" is on your side of the field, increase this monster's DEF by 100 points for every WATER monster removed from play.



[spoiler=Llanna's Effect:]This card can be Special Summoned by sending 5 cards from your hand to the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, its Attribute is also treated as LIGHT. Increase the ATK of all EARTH monsters on the field except this card by 400 points. Once per turn, if your opponent controls 2 or more monsters, you can destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field by paying 1000 Life Points. If this effect is activated, this card returns to your hand. Any Battle Damage this card inflicts to your opponent's Life Points is considered Direct Damage instead.



[spoiler=Soren's Effect:]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 WIND monsters from your side of the field. Increase the ATK of all WIND monsters on the field by 400 points. Once every 3 turns, you can pay 2000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower WIND monster from your Deck in face-up Attack Position. That monster cannot attack, and has its card effect negated. If you control at least 3 WIND monsters on your side of the field, this card cannot be selected as an attack target, or as the target of a Spell or Trap Card.


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entry reserved... points coming


[spoiler=apprentice of the dark art's effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when there is a Level 7 or lower monster with "Magician" in its name on your side of the field. As long as there is a monster with "Magician" in its name on the field, this card cannot be destroyed by battle and all Battle Damge to this card's controller that he/she takes from a battle involving this monster becomes 0. When a Spellcaster-type monster is destroyed as a result of battle, increase the ATK of this card by 100.


[spoiler=necromancing master of the dark art's effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Advance Summoned by sending 1 "Apprentice of the Dark Arts" to the Graveyard. As long as this card remains on the field, all Spellcaster-type monsters cannot be targetted by Monster, Spell, or Trap card effects. Once per turn during your Main Phase, you can remove from play 1 Level 4 or higher Spellcaster-type monster on your side of the field to randomly remove from play 1 card in your opponent's Deck.


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ill enter too.i have one or two S-Casters in mind.


Once per turn, you may activate one of the following effects:

-Select 1 monster on the field with 1500 or less ATK.Roll a six-sided die once, and increase the ATK of the selected monster by the result x200, until the End Phase.

-Toss a coin.If Heads,you may look at the top 2 cards of each player's Deck and rearrange them in any order.If Tails, increase the Life points of both players by 300 for each card on thier side of the field.

You cannot activate the same effect 2 turns in a row.



1 Spellcaster Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

When this card is Synchro Summoned,you can place 1 Sunstar Counter on this card for each monster used in the Synchro Summon of this card.This card gains 300 ATK for each Sunstar Counter on it.You may remove 1 Sunstar Counter from this card to negate the attack of your one of your opponent's monsters.


im happy with these.i really like them.why are all my spellcasters girls?i dont know.

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I might add more...



[spoiler=Effect - Høyest Aquos Yfirmaður]2 Spellcaster-Type monsters + 2 Aqua-Type monsters

This monster cannot be Summoned except by the effect of "Fusion Gate". You can send "Fusion Gate" to the Graveyard to add 1 "A Legendary Ocean" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. This monster is also treated as an Aqua-Type. If this monster destroys a Defense Position monster your opponent controls, your opponent loses Life Points equal to half the DEF of the destroyed monster. If this monster is removed from the field, send the Fusion Material Monsters used for the Fusion Summon of this monster to your Graveyard.


[spoiler=Effect - Ocean Spirit]This monster cannot be Summoned by a card effect. Return this monster to your hand during the End Phase of your turn. If "A Legendary Ocean" is on the field, all WATER monsters you control (Except this card) gain 300 ATK and DEF. You can return 1 "A Legendary Ocean" from your field to your hand to gain 500 Life Points.


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