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Bleach roll playing


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As Rokujo, the Angel of Chaos turned to Ron, releasing the seal that made Rokujo's Reiatsu small, releasing enough Spiritual Energy to take on at least two Espada at one time. Rokujo then gave a look to Ron that anyone could tell what it said. The look he gave said, "I will...DESTROY YOU."

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Ooc: Wow, taking my idea of the Angel of Chaos huh? Not very original.


Rokujo did nothing, stook his hand out, and chanted, "By the way the Chaos, those that not obey Chaos shall be in Chaos themself, and will lose everything. Clustering stars of Chaos, come together and create a new life force of Chaos. I release myself into my true form. COME FORTH, ANGEL OF ETERNAL UNENDING CHAOS!!!" Then a flash of light appeared and blinded everybody, and a new body appeared before everybody.

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Ron: What!? Argh! ~Covers his eye and begins to feel the light~

Ron: What... the... hell!? This time, there's even MORE trouble! ~Attempts to slash Rokujo, but failed, then he summons clones of himself~ Hehe... Attack now! ~thousands of Rons, again... invading Rokujo trying to yet again trap him.~

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Rokujo stood there, silent, and reserved, and suddenly he let a mass amount of Spirit Energy that not even Ron couldn't handle. Rokujo's eyes were glowing silver, and he had wings that were the color of silver tears. Rokujo then gave a threatning command, demanding, "Leave the Soul Society, NOW!" Then Rokujo released even more Spiritual Energy, causing the gravity to intensify.

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As Rokujo saw the clone attack him, he moved his arm in the way, and blocked it, and kicked him away. Then he saw Ron, attempting to poison him, so he casted a portal that will close when somebody went through it. Rokujo grabbed Ron, and threw him into the portal, and it closed.


OoC: Okay, you can't say anything about that it was a clone, or just magically appeared from nowwhere.

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