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The world is being taken over by the evil espada you a new soul reaper must fight to gain your right as a division captain and defeat the evil espada



1st Division Captain -Cocodomoco(devo20)


2nd Division Captain -Aashar Akram(Ashar)


3rd Division Captain -


4th Division Captain - Triaro(2tutorialcom)


5th Division Captain - Totaru Sigma(total obelisk)


6th Division Captain -Kuchiki Byakuya


7th Division Captain -


8th Division Captain -


9th Division Captain -


10th Division Captain -


11th Division Captain - Zak(curse mark sasuke)


12th Division Captain -


13th Division Captain - Rokujo Mokuro(enrise)


Entrance sheet fill out to enter

Characters Name-

characters age-

Characters appearance-

charachters bio-

What division you would like to be in(the first people to post are squad captains) -

each division my have up to 5 members (we are not doing vice captains)


Swords name-


Espada still alive

we are recruting espada


2.alexander(also devo20)

3. Barragan(final fantasy revolution)









[spoiler=My charachter]Name-cocodomoco




Bio-as Leader of the 1st division he has many different duties he does not like takeing orders from anyone thats why he like being the captain and if you sets him off you probably wont be alive to say you did.....

Sword name:ChanSamaCun


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Characters Name-Aashar Akram

characters age-19

Characters appearance-Devil_May_Cry_Anime_Dante_by_ForteZ.jpg

charachters bio-He is A Squad captain but does not wear the proper clothing.

What division you would like to be in(the first people to post are squad captains) -Sqaud Captains.

each division my have up to 5 members (we are not doing vice captains)


Swords name-Rebellion

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I would like to join, if I may.


Character's Name- Kuchiki Byakuya


Character's age- 31


Character's appearance- Please take a detailed look at my avatar and signature, as they are both images of my character. Of course, I'd happily post another picture of Kuchiki Byakuya.


Character's bio- Kuchiki Byakuya was born of high Royalty in the Gotei 13. He has been raised to wield a sword skillfully, and to all ways carry his family name proudly. He has a bit of a nasty attitude when agitated, but he is easy to confront when he's not busy. His sword, Senbonzakura, is one of the most grateful in the 13 protection squads, in addition to being one of the most deadly.


What division you would like to be in- Squadron 6


Gender- Male



Swords name- Senbonzakura

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Characters Name- Rokujo Mokuro


Characters age- 29


Characters appearance- Looks like Ulquiorra almost, but not exactly. He doesn't have the hollow mask shell on him, and doesn't have the hole in him.


Charachters bio- Rokujo never really liked anyone, or anything for that matter. When he became a Captain of the 13th squad, he wasn't really surprised. Sometimes, he would get dreams that he was an Espada.


What division you would like to be in(the first people to post are squad captains) - 13 Division


Gender- Male


Swords name- Rokuro of Darkness

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Can i be a Vizard and a Captain?


Characters Name-Triaro


characters age-23


Characters appearance-Gray hair; Arrancar outfit; his Zanpaktou is held in a holder behind his back.


character bio- during the time he turned in to a Vizard he became a full Hollow, but he took control of it, but know every time he uses his Bankai his full Hollow form comes out. No one knows if he is a Arrancar or a Vizard because of that reason. he was acepted as a captan befor anyone knew he was a Vizard/ Arrancar.


division -4th Division




Swords name-Shanmaru


Do you want my Release and Banki name.

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I guess I'll take a shot too...


Characters Name: Totaru Sigma

characters age: 22

Characters appearance:


charachters bio: Toataru had looked up to the shinigami since an early age and had set his sights on joining their ranks long ago. After entering the academy he began studying the very history of soul society itself, however in his readings he discovered something that drowned all respect he held for other shinigami and since then he grew unsociable and lonesome. The upside of his apparent change in personality meant that he concentrated more on both his studies and practice and upon graduating was quickly accepted into the 13 squads where he eventually rose to the rose of captain after achieving bankai at the age of 19.

What division you would like to be in: 5th

Gender: Male

Swords name: Shirohikari

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Characters Name- Zak

characters age- 16

[spoiler=Characters appearance-]KenshinXxBlade.jpg


[spoiler=characters bio-] was always good with a sword but not to good with brains, when he failed the academy he challenged kanpatchi, or the position of title and won, do to his pride he refuses to release his sword against another shinigami unless the enemy has also done so, the only exception to this is when ken, took off his eye patch, but Zak still refused to use bankai.

he never kills others (Except holo's) no mater what they have done wrong.he let Yachiru remain as the vice captain.

a few years before he became a captain, his brother was killed in battle by an espada, but just before his brother died, Zak was able to merge their two souls (in order to keep his brother with him) this gave Zak, two different swords in one, he has yet to mastered bankai, but has equaled his brothers power in using shikai


What division you would like to be in- 11th

Gender- Male

Swords name- kakorot

[spoiler=sry i cant help it, i just feel like i should post my shikai & bankai up here]

[spoiler=shikai-]Saying-Drizzle kakorot

blade make of pure water, can completely manipulate all 3 stages of water, &



[spoiler=bankai-]saying-grant me your ocean powers kakorot.

Water forms around him & looks like a fish on legs, he is inside the center of the water but is still able to breath while there

power 7X stronger002.jpg



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here is my Soul Reaper sign up form



[spoiler=Soul Reaper sign up form]

Characters Name-Triaro


characters age-23


Characters appearance-Gray hair; Arrancar outfit; his Zanpaktou is held in a holder behind his back.


character bio- a soul reaper who is known as the sleeping dead because of his Zanpaktou. he has a weird personality. when he is battling he is ruthless and has no sign of emotion, but when he is not battling he cant control him self to have fun.


division -4th Division




Swords name-Shanmaru



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