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Pokemon - A new frontier


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The Group was sleeping in the Rain peacefully. But the Rain got fatal, and very Windy.

Sapphire was pushed into a Pillar, and got Bruised. She then walked painfully to Chandler.

"SQUIR!!!!!!!!!". She slapped Chandler across the face.

"What? What? THOSE AREN'T MY TACOS!!!!"

"Squir.......?" Sapphire look as confused as a Noob trying to Post. But Chandler then realized the tough winds and heavy rain. George just lay there as calm as an ocean.

"George! Follow us!" George slowly got up and climbed onto Chandler's back. The group rain across the Rainy Fields. But then Lightning started to strike. You know Water attracts Electricity. Well, the Lightning singed Sapphire, and she fell down hard. Chandler went back to get her, but then a Group of Scythers and Lucarioes stood in front of Sapphire.

"Get the He** out of my way! That's my Pokemon, you have no Freaking Business here!"

The Lucario knew English and argued with Chandler. "Foolish Child", it said. "We are the Psycho Slice Group. You want your Squirtle back? Show me that you can defeat us!"

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*Zero was at the New Breg City Gym*

Zero: Im here for a gym battle

Gym Leader: Great Im the Gym Leader. My name is Terry

Zero: Lets battle

Terry: Sure

Zero: Go Torchic

Terry: Go Anorith

Referee: Let the battle begin

Zero: Torchic Flamethrower

Terry: Anorith dodge it. Now take down

Zero: Torchic you also use take down

Referee: Anorith is unable to battle the winner Torchic.

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Chandler stood Angrily.

"Fine! George! Come here." George slowly came over. "Time for your First Battle, Pal. Use Scratch!"

George slowly crawled to a Lucario, and swiped at it. It hardly did anything besides make a noise that sounded like CHINK!. "Stupid Rascal", said the Lucario. It kicked George across the Rainy Field. George landed back on his Feet, with amazing Courage. But then the Lucario used Aura Sphere, and it hit George. He fell back, his Skin starting to Singe of Psychic Burning.

Chandler ran over to him, but then another Lucario used Shadow Ball, sending Chandler in the air.

"You Imbesol Child. You deserve to Die! Along with your Piece of S*** Pokemon.

Scyther came over to Chandler. "I'll cut you up and swallow you like Ground Beef! And your Squirtle will make great Soup, and your S*** Eating Monkey shall have Tasty as Hell Brains!!!"

OOC: Sorry about the cussing, but this is a Mean Group. :P

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