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Super Draw Fun

~ Chidori-Kun

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yah,i like Creature swap.it owns.by making sure i own (my opponent's monster).

i STILL remember using my sixsam deck to beat a DaD deck,by swapping Dark Armed Dragon with my Nisashi.ideally,id swap a footsoldier and grab an extra monster,but hey,when you have a graveload of irou's,who cares?


i was kinda kidding about the synchro's.but still.....


the deck looks good actually.run wingweaver over Tri-Horn.just a personal preference.

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yah' date='i like Creature swap.it owns.by making sure i own (my opponent's monster).

i STILL remember using my sixsam deck to beat a DaD deck,by swapping Dark Armed Dragon with my Nisashi.ideally,id swap a footsoldier and grab an extra monster,but hey,when you have a graveload of irou's,who cares?


i was kinda kidding about the synchro's.but still.....


the deck looks good actually.run wingweaver over Tri-Horn.just a personal preference.



This is irrelevant to the point is was making. Stop spamming

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