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[DISC] Gigaplant


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Ok then, you all seem to like running swarm as far gigaplant goes.


Now, if sombody were to run GigaOTK, how would they make it work? How do you think it would happen.


And Swarm - How do you get swarm to work?


I happen to be running OTK ATM, and I'm getting the entire decklist tuesday, so I need to choose between OTK and Swarm like nao. Lol.

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Like I said, it's not an amazing card or anything. It's effect is an inferior version of Gigaplant's, the only thing that makes it good is that the group is built for swarming and thrives on that sort of thing but you have to put a lot of work in to make plants be as self-sustaining as Zombies. Il Blud is okay. It does what it should for it's deck type. I would use it if I played Zombies. Just saying that it is a useful Gemini monsters in that Zombies are a very strong and powerful deck type, but plants are not (yet.)

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