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Lock please, I have a better idea

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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You were surfin' the web on your computer. You found an awesome new RPG known as Nega Channel. You create a Tech Warrior with a Hi-Tech battle suit that fights monsters in cyberspace. All of a sudden, a boss attacks you in Data Forest. You are pounding him, but then he fires a hack beam that 75% of the time kills players. It hits you dead on, but you don't get a scratch. you're syked and puzzled, but then the blast continues and comes out of the computer! It pulls you into your computer, and now you are your character, litterally. You realize the game is now real. Now, you must stop Dr. Viruz from taking over cyberspace and then, the world.


OoC: Here's the form you must fill out to join.


User Name

Character Name

Character Gender

Character Apperence

Character Suit

Character Weapon or weapons (1-3)

Character Power or powers (0-3)





User Name: X

Character Name: Ty

Character Gender: Boy

Character Apperence: Covered by his suit

Character Suit: Red helmet

Red Robot Suit where shirt would be

White Robot Suit shoes, shirt sleves, and pants would be

White Gloves

Character Weapons: Tech-Bike, Detahcable Lazer on Right Arm

Character Powers: Hi-Speed, Super Transformation, Lazer Beam

Side: Good


just so you know, I'm not copying Samus at all XD

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User Name: Seth the Hunter

Character Name: Seth Graystone

Character Gender: Male

Character Apperence: Long red hair, red eyes, tan skin, with bronze prosthetics in the place of legs and arms. He wears a brown shirt that ends at the wrists, and pants that end at his ankles.

Character Suit: His suit is a silver suit that covers everything except for his face. He has metallic boots and gauntlets, as well as a silver helmet with a black visor covering his face, and a communication headset built into the top. His right gauntlet is a laser cannon, and the other gauntlet has a small laser device attached to the wrist.

Character Weapon or weapons: Right Arm Laser, Left Arm Wrist Laser, and Radio Wave Scrambler(They can only be used while in his suit.)

Character Power or powers: Due to the prosthetics, he has super strength, as well asbeing able to jump high due to his "Foot Boosters", which are truly just his prosthetic feet.

Side: Neutral. After being sucked into the world of Nega Channel, he became a Bounty Hunter, and will work for whichever side pays better.

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Sounds veeery similar to .Hack//...lol.


User Name: DarkWitch2008

Character Name: Rulan

Character Gender: Female

Character Apperence: Crimson colored hair worn combed back. She has slightly pale skin and wide yellow eyes. She also has a red tattoo over her right eye that looks almost like a scar.

Character Suit: A sort of tech/goth suit. It's mainly black and has glowing neon laces and metal frills over it.

Character Weapon or weapons (1-3): Rulan has a Tech Blade (which is basically a neon sword with two blades) and a pair of boots which enhance her speed and jumping capabilities.

Character Power or powers (0-3): Rulan grows stronger the longer she fights and at the same time seems to grow even more insane.

Side: Good, but questionably.

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User Name Hellcaster673

Character Name Zero

Character Gender M

Character Apperence http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fei%3DUTF-8%26p%3Ddomon%2520g%2520gundam%26y%3DSearch%26rs%3D0%26fr2%3Dtab-web%26fr%3Dytff-msgr&w=155&h=157&imgurl=gundamex3.tripod.com%2Fsitebuildercontent%2Fsitebuilderpictures%2Fdomon-id.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgundamex3.tripod.com%2Fdbgzone%2Fid3.html&size=8.1kB&name=domon-id.jpg&p=domon+g+gundam&type=JPG&oid=6e253b213b9e190e&no=11&tt=82&sigr=11c2rf9cn&sigi=128otsuvi&sigb=13h3k9mev

Character Suit A emerald suit with ruby's inside to power his suit

Character Weapon or weapons (1-3) Saber sword,4 holed bazoka,earthquake

Character Power or powers (0-3)Zero's strongest power is that every now and the his power increases massively,but then after a while it cuts off

Side Good

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