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aliens that could be top tier?


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well i have been looking on yugioh ocg news and they were showing these new aliens so i knew i had to try and make a deck from it.


once your on the site just ctrl + f and you will find them



18| Monsters


3| Destiny Hero - Malicious

1| Cyber Dragon

2| Alien Revenger

2| Alien Mother


3| Alien Warrior

1| Alien Shocktrooper

3| Alien-monite

3| Alien Grey


14| Spells


1| Brian Control

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Instant Fusion

2| Foolish Burial

2| Mind Control

3| "A" Cell Scatter Burst


4| Traps


3| Crop Circles

3| Solemn Judgment

2| Offering to the Snake Deity


15| Extra Deck


2| Flame Ghost

2| Darkfire Dragon

2| Reaper on the Nightmare

3| Stardust Dragon

2| Goyo Guardian

1| Red Dragon Archfiend

1| Magical Android

2| Cosmos Fortress Gol'gar

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The Fortress only activates its effect on face-up Spell or Traps, so you probably wont get many targets with it unless you have a few of your own.


This is an example deck, not the best version of the deck. Cosmic Horror Gangi'el was thrown in because he's a Level 7, and could easily Synchro with Monite. And if you use your opponent's cards, he is easy to Summon.


Monsters: 19

[1]Cosmic Horror Gangi'el

[1]Cyber Dragon

[2]Alien Revenger

[2]Alien Mother

[3]Alien Warrior

[3]Alien Monite

[3]Alien Grey

[2]Alien Mars

[1]Alien Telepath

[1]Alien Shocktrooper


Spells: 12

[3]"A" Cell Scatter Burst

[2]Foolish Burial

[1]"A" Cell Breeding Device

[1]Brain Control

[1]Monster Reborn

[1]Heavy Storm

[1]Mystical Space Typhoon

[1]Smashing Ground

[1]Swords of Revealing Light


Traps: 9

[3]Solemn Judgement

[2]Offering to the Snake Deity

[2]Crop Circles

[2]Mass Hypnosis (( Will stay up even if the monsters die or are sent to the Grave for a Synch ))

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2| Cosmos Fortress Gol'gar


Mass Hypnosis lets you take up to 3 of your opponent's monsters with A-Counters, and there are no other restrictions other than having an Alien on the field, which wont be hard. It's destroyed at the end, but you can easily grab your opponent's monsters, Synchro, and let it stay lingering to be returned to your hand with Fortress.


And Grey doesn't summon anything >>


You could even drop an Incubator, to use with Fortress and Revenger to combine.

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