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Dark Ruler Arcana Force Deck

Shin Akuma

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Monsters: 22

Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler

Arcana Force 0 - The Fool x3

Arcana Force XXI - The World x3

Hecatrice x3

Arcana Force VI - The Lovers x3

Arcana Force IV - The Emperor x2

Arcana Force III - The Empress x2

Arcana Force XIV - Temperance x2

Athena x2

D.D. Warrior Lady


Spells: 12

Second Coin Toss x3

Vahalla, Hall of the Fallen x2

Cup of Ace x2

Light Barrier x2

Monster Reborn

Heavy Storm

Swords of Revealing Light


Traps: 6

Magic Cylinder

Tour of Doom x2

Bottomless Trap Hole x3


let the criticism commence!

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Neg a Second Coin Toss and Magic Cylinder to get the deck down to 40. Looks fun though. Not sure if its good but fun nevertheless.


EDIT: You only have 6 traps. Not 8. Fix this up. Also, for something to put in in place of Magic Cylinder and a Second Coin Toss, maybe 2 Solemns, or a Torrential and a Mirror Force or something along those lines.

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EDIT: You only have 6 traps. Not 8. Fix this up. Also' date=' for something to put in in place of Magic Cylinder and a Second Coin Toss, maybe 2 Solemns, or a Torrential and a Mirror Force or something along those lines.



would torrential and reversal of fate work?


anyways, this is how the deck should work...

there are 5 possible ways to get Vahalla out, 3 hecatrice and 2 vahalla copies. when i get those guys out, i can special summon either athena, and inflict 600 for a fairy burn, or get out the big guns right away with the World and then normal summon another arcana or such. this would work well mid game, by having more fairies in the grave and slowly burning the opponent to death. i was able to get out all 3 worlds and athena and killed the guy in like 5 turns...


this is all about burning the opponent, beat down Worlds, and skipping the opponent's turn when necessary.

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-3 Second Coin Toss

+3 Reversal of Fate

why? reversal of fate only works with the arcana's. if i had cup of ace' date=' i could easily play with fate and get Heads, or even Tour of Doom for that matter. i tried running 3 but it was a bit much and they were dead draws when i had Light Barrier on.


Need more EX?

Two should work fine.

im waiting for The Light Ruler. until then, one EX would be fine.

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