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Another Deck Building Contest! Theme=Sushi

Tekken Ham

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Yes folks, I will host my own Deck Building contest because the others have really really stupid guidelines. Mine is easier and more free.


Make a fish deck. Make it TCG Adv. format legal. No anime or OCG cards.


Contest will end September 27th.


The deck must be able to win games, and must have fish as the main theme/win condition.



300 points

A siggy.


I suck at GFX but hey, this contest doesn't have really stupid guidelines.


Bonus points for being anti-meta.


Bonus points for using innovative tech.


Grading rubric:

Legality: X/10

Speed: X/20

Ability to win consistently: X/40

Staying with the fish theme: X/20

Consistency: X/10


Bonus points: X/6


Aaand... GO!

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I'll enter. Here's the deck :


Monsters : 20

3 superancient deepsea king coelacanth

2 cranium fish

3 cyber shark


2 warrior of atlantis

3 oyster meister

2 golden flying fish

3 ocean's keeper

2 deepsea macrometra


Spells : 10

1 monster reborn

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

1 mystical space typhoon

1 smashing ground

1 lightning vortex

2 enemy controller

2 a legendary ocean


Traps : 10

1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force

1 mind crush

1 trap dustshoot

3 fish depth charge

3 spiritual water art aoi

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Ill enter.



Monsters - 19

3x Ice Master

3x Cold Enchanter

3x Superanciant Deepsea King Coelacanth

3x Golden Flying Fish

3x Oystermeister

2x Cranium Fish

2x Warrior of Atlantis


Spells - 13

2x ALO

1x Terraforming

1x Heavy Storm

1x Reasoning

1x Monster Reborn

1x MST

1x Smashing Ground

2x LV

1x Brain Control

2x E-Con


Traps - 8

3x Fish Depth Charge

3x Solemn

1x MF

1x TT

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well,ill try.


1 Abyss Soldier

3 Oyster Meister

3 Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

2 Golden Flying Fish

3 Abyssal Kingshark

3 Mermaid Knight

2 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus

3 Cyber Shark

3 Warrior of Atlantis



2 A Legendary Ocean

1 Umiiruka

3 Big Wave Small Wave

1 Heavy Storm

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon



2 Tornado Wall

2 Solemn Judgement

1 Mirror Force

1 Sakuretsu Armor


im not too great at building decks,but i can try.

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