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Oh yeah! Another Brawl Contest. But in this one, you are limited in your choices. Second contest of mine; should go smooth.




1. No spamming or flaming.

2. No copying the effect on my card.

3. No stealing other peoples' ideas.

4. You are limited to one card.

5. Some other rules...


You must make one card, that shadows my ultimate one-of-a-kind Smash Ball card. Now, here is a twist. You cannot use the same effect as my card has. Since all the Smash Ball pictures are alike, the picture aspect of judging will be worth a lot!!! The end date is September 28th.




First Place- 3 Reps

Second Place- Nothing

Third Place- Nothing


My Judging


OCG- 30/100

Pictures- 50/100

Balanced- 20/100


Anything else I forgot... oh yeah! Here is my Smash Ball card. Remember, the unique the picture, the higher chance you have of winning.




I wish you the best of luck!!!


EDIT- No entry fee...

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